ISTE 2016 Session Accepted!

After a couple years of inconspicuous absences, I am back as an ISTE conference presenter. Yeah!
The session is scheduled for Monday, June 27 from 12:45 to 1:45.
Here are the details:
Here is the link to the resource page (as of today).
Hope to see a lot of library media specialists in Denver this June!
And thank you, ISTE!
Reader Comments (6)
Congratulations, Doug. I will have drop by and kibitz from the back row. :-)
I think it's awesome you still use Wikispaces.
Congratulations on your acceptance at ISTE! I enjoy reading your blog via Feedly. (RSS readers are still a thing for a few of us)
Hi Tim,
Sounds good. I always appreciate a good heckler and it would be great to see you!
Hi Matt,
I am feeling a bit like I'm behind the times if I "still use Wikispaces." I am seriously interested in what you think might be a better tools for this sort of sharing, easy to modify and share links to a variety of resources. Thanks!
Oh, I still use Feedly every day too!
I am still using wikispaces. my classes as well. I would be interested in knowing what is better.
Love the topic! Not sure I can make it out to Colorado but if I do will be sure to attend your workshop!
Hi Floyd,
Good to hear that someone else still uses wikis. The only alternative I've heard mentioned is GooglePages, but I find them a bit more cumbersome. I should give them another look. Seems like Google, though, has a lot of control over all my online life!
Have a happy holidays!