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BFTP: Why robots make the best students

Why Robots Make the Best Students
(a riff on Kathy Sierra's Why Robots Make the Best Employees)
Aside: I still miss reading Kathy Sierra's blog.

  • They don't challenge the teacher's authority or subject expertise.
  • They don't ask questions that might not have a right or wrong answer.
  • They all learn in the same way, at the same pace.
  • They stay in their seats with eyes straight ahead.
  • They don't go on vacations with their families during school time or skip school.
  • They don't need to learn to work in cooperative groups. Or need social skills. Or need conflict resolution abilities.
  • They don't need sex education, multicultural education, or physical education. The arts and literature are wasted on them. No field trips, no fire drills, no hot lunch.
  • They never make the principal or teacher look bad (e.g. stupid, incompetent, clueless…).
  • They follow the school dress code and never swear.
  • They have no strongly held opinions or passions for which to fight.
  • They always pass the state tests and they all read at grade level.
  • They are always willing to do the homework no matter how meaningless.
  • They don't complain when lectured or given worksheets. Endlessly.
  • They can all use the same textbook and they are all always on the same chapter.
  • They make good robot employees.

Original post 12/22/2010


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