SETDA's EdTech Update

In the left column of the Blue Skunk Blog, you can now find a small banner that reads "Ed Tech Update" It's a widget that looks like this:
I don't know a lot about this project, but I do know SETDA is a reputable organization, and if they are sponsoring the site, it should be pretty good. Here is the dope I got about it:
EdTech Update, brought to you by SETDA (The State Educational Technology Directors Association), is now up and running, but will officially launch on February 26th. You can check out the site here:
The site and newsletter will feature content from thought leaders like Steve Anderson, Scott McLeod, EdFly, Christensen Institute, Digital Learning Now, and many others.
Despite not being single out by name (I guess I am an "and many others"), this site is worth a look. The biggest challenge most of us face with our PLNs is finding a means to filter the content so we only need spend time with what is relevant, original, and smart.
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