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All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.

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Entries in 21st Century Skills (25)


An international perspective

This is my baby - 22-year-old Brady - set to leave for his trip to New Zealand this morning. He is bringing only the bare essentials with him -  500 pounds of video games and old t-shirts. He'll be roughing it. With two of his buddies, he'll be working in Wellington for the next year or so. At least he'll be working when not pestering Peter Jackson and Guillermo del Toro about making him an Orc extra in the new Hobbit movie being made there in "Welly-wood."

I hope he will be absorbing some of the county's culture, values and perspectives as well. It's my firmly held belief that everyone should spend some time living and working internationally. I was lucky enough to work in Saudi Arabia as a teacher for 5 years and the experience changed not just my view of the Arab world, but the view of my own country as well. There are things like the home delivery of a Sunday paper, green parks and a mostly honest police force that I will not take for granted for the rest of my life. And I'll always remember that the US is not universally loved (for some good reasons); that some degree of cultural modesty is appropriate.

Fates, please be kind to this young man and his friends. But don't let Brady fall in love with a Kiwi girl and never come home...


Your source for humor?


"When a thing is funny, search it carefully for a hidden truth." - George Bernard Shaw

I have always read newspapers starting with the funny pages. I read (and pass on) the jokes in my e-mail before opening any other message. I watch Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, but not CNN. And my first choice of movie is usually a comedy.

Costa and Mallick include Finding Humor as one of their Habits of Mind. - those attributes shown by people "having a disposition toward behaving intelligently when confronted with problems, the answers to which are not immediately known" - and write:

People who engage in the mystery of humor have the ability to perceive situations from an original and often interesting vantage point.  They tend to initiate humor more often, to place greater value on having a sense of humor, to appreciate and understand others' humor and to be verbally playful when interacting with others.  Having a whimsical frame of mind, they thrive on finding incongruity and perceiving absurdities, ironies and satire; finding discontinuities and being able to laugh at situations and themselves.
Not a bad habit to cultivate. And a person's sense of humor needs cultivation.  To that end, I have some must-read humor websites that I read on a regular basis:

  • Most peope know of Garrison Keillor from his NPR Prairie Home Companion programs (that are available as audio downloads), but I enjoy his Old Scout political columns even more. (You need to be a wee bit left of Ann Coulter to appreciate the writing.) My only complaint about them is that I can't seem to find an RSS feed on the Minnesota Public Radio site.
  • I think we all know The Onion's hard hitting print newstories (National Endowment For The Arts Funds Construction of $1.3 Billion Poem), but their website is also a great source of audio and videocasts as well.
  • And of course has my favorite greeting cards but also has a blog, videos and podcasts.

One chapter in Machines Are the Easy Part; People Are the Hard Part, reads

34.    Work a little humor into every communication effort.
What did Ole say when the Kinsey Sex Survey called and asked him if he smoked after sex? “Don’t know. Never looked.”

All right, it’s an old joke, but it made you keep on reading. There is really no excuse whatsoever not to inject at least a little humor in to every communication effort you make. It’s a mistake to confuse dryness with professionalism.

If you want the head paying attention, you have to get the heart involved. Humor is probably the easiest way to evoke an emotional response. (A groan is an emotional response, right?) You can elicit anger, fear or sadness to get attention as well, but for my money smiles do the job better.

Oh. I wouldn’t make my jokes any racier than the one above.
Your favorite source of humor? Blue Skunk readers want to know! Oh, and next time I read something you've written, it better include at least one chuckle!

Illustration by Brady Johnson.


Visual skepticism

You've probably seen these as an e-mail attachment or on a website:


Are we teaching kids to be as critical of visual information as we are of written information? 

Are there some people to whom PhotoShop just should not be given?