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Entries in Computer games (3)


Criteria for evaluating games

zork1.jpgOn Septemeber 18, I send the following request to LM_Net:

Hi folks,

I have been looking (unsuccessfully) for a list of criteria one might use to
choose educational games for libraries and classrooms. Does anyone have any
kind of selection tool s/he can recommend?

Baring that, do any of you have an authoritative, non-commercial list of
educational games or game sites?

Thanks for any help you might give,


Below are the LM_Net responses, but first one very interesting paper I discovered (old news to most, I suppose) is Marc Prensky's 2005 article, Complexity Matters, where he differentiates between complex and simple games, arguing that adults (digital immigrants) have a negative opinion of games because we associate the idea of “game” with those of our own childhood – card and board games, recreational pursuits meant to pass a rainy afternoon. Prensky surmises: “Because of these formative game-playing experiences growing up, when today’s teacher (or parent or educator) hears the word game, their first reaction is: “trivial.” And they don’t want this “trivial” stuff to be part of their child's, or children's’ “serious” education. So they reject games out of hand as a serious learning tool.”

Instead, he argues, we should be thinking about “complex” games, those that take 10-100 hours to complete. These games require “a player to learn a wide variety of often new and difficult skills and strategies, and to master these skills and strategies by advancing through dozens of ever-harder “levels.” Doing this often requires both outside research and collaboration with others while playing.”

Complex game titles  include: Sim City, Civilization III, Rise of Nations, Age of Empires, Age of Kings, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Myst, Riven, EverQuest, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, all the Tycoon games, John Madden Football,  Medal of Honor, Full Spectrum Warrior, and America’s Army.

As an old Zork fan, I concur!  

Now the LM_Net responses: 


Hey, Doug, how are you?  Thanks for your interest!  I'm afraid the policy part of the gaming world is a peninsula to which my alleged gurudom does not extend.  We don't circulate games here, and we don't have any policies that cover our gaming events.  However, I've got three resources that might help you.
First is the Mario Brothers Memorial Public Library at  I personally take issue with the assertion that the Mario Brothers are dead and in need of memorialization, but if you go to their video games page, you'll find some links to sample selection criteria and other policy-like documents on the right side.  Note that this is Jami Schwarzwalder's personal page, not representative of an actual library's policies, but they are a good starting place and they look like what such documents would probably look like.
You should also check out , which has a pretty good page about collection development and criteria.
Also, you may want to talk to Beth Gallaway if you haven't already; she has given presentations about game collection development and would have better resources in this area.  Her blog is and you can reach her at .
Finally, if you are looking for some other people to talk to, check out the gaming section of the library success wiki at which has links to libraries that are circulating games that might be able to help you furhter.
Hope that helps!  Good luck with your article, and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any other questions I can help with.

Eli Neiburger is a library game tournament guru and author of the Library?! The Why, What, and How of Videogame Tournaments for All Ages. He kindly responded to a direct request for information. Using these links, I did find Becta, a UK IT firm that lists criteria for choosing games including age ratings, genres, technical requirements, costs and licensing along with some pragmatic qualities like being able to turn off the sound, having regular save features and allowing the user to create their own environments, levels and missions. 



I don't have a list of criteria for you, although I will probably be creating one soon (my dissertation topic may well end up having something to do with reading and educational games), but I do have a list of book-based games to share.  I did an article for Teacher Librarian for the April 2007 issue about card games, board games, and video games based on stories.  I've attached my chart for you.  It already needs to be updated, but if you're interested in story games, it will get you started anyway.

Have you checked Eli Neiburger's new book, the Library?, for selection criteria?  I haven't had time to read it yet, but I'm guessing it may have selection criteria, at least for public libraries.

Please post a hit if you find a good list--I am definitely interested as well.


Kelly Stern






Hi Doug, reviews games as well as movies "with kids in mind".

From their site:

Our Mission
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the media and entertainment lives of kids and families.

We exist because media and entertainment profoundly impact the social, emotional, and physical development of our nation's children. As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, we provide trustworthy information and tools, as well as an independent forum, so that families can have a choice and a voice about the media they consume.


Pamela B


I don't have a list, but I love to use the 24 Math game from Suntex and Scrabble.  I started Scrabble clubs in a couple of places with the School Scrabble set from Hasbro.  I've also used a lot of Yahtzee and Perudo/Liar's Dice/Pirates of the Caribbean dice (the creator, Rich Borg is a friend of my husband's) when I was running a resource classroom for special ed and ESOL students.

Cheryl Youse 


My rule of thumb is to go by the state frameworks.  If it (the game) is teaching a skill or concept that is in the frameworks and thereby required (and tested) then it's good enough for me.  I also like to choose games, especially library games (from Upstart/Highsmith) that make difficult concepts easier.  Library vocabulary is easier learned with Bingo - I call the definition and they look for the word - that me just repeating myself eternally!  If you are purchasing games for the teachers, I would advise caution.  What looks great isn't always the case...and even if it is, it doesn't mean they'll use it.  Our math curriculum comes with it's own games (Everyday Math) - and the program doesn't leave much time for supplemental activities.  If it's something they really want, poll our group (LM_NET) as to the effectiveness of the game.  Boxes are colorful and write-ups look great.  I've been fooled more than once!  Good luck!
Holly G


...Van Orden and Bishop's The Collection Program in Schools 3rd edition p159 gives general criteria for games that addresses general goals such as problem solving.

Janet Hilbun, PhD
Assistant Professor
School of Library and Information Studies
Texas Woman's University
Denton, TX


I would start with this site These are the California Learning Resource Network criteria for the state of California's teachers.  For information on computer games in education go to This article may have some information that you can use also

This is an article that defines six criteria for a specific type of game- educational simulation.  You may be able to use some of his thoughts to put your form together.

For reviews on educational games that are educational in view point go to and they have a review form that is given to teachers They use reviews from teachers, parents and kids.

Hope these help.

Linda De Vore 


I hope this helps some folks. Thanks as always to the brilliant people on LM_Net. Still best resource on the Internet!



The power of positivity!

Earlier this month, Adam Janowski, media specialist extraordinaire from Naples, Florida, wrote a guest blog entry on computer gaming in libraries. Sadly, in a follow-up comment to his defense of games, he wrote:

"Oh, how things can shift in days. Our superinendent was sacked yesterday, and today I get a message from our principal say NO to games.

"No discussion. Just an ultimatum.

"Such is life in a public school."

Happily, here is the rest of the story which is less about games and more about proactivity. - Doug 

I will start this post with an anecdotal story. For three years now, "Edison", a junior, has been the first person I have busted for playing Internet games on the computer. This year he said, "But Mr. J., this is an educational game!" It was. Very much like "Lingo" if you are a Game Channel addict. "Edison, for three years now, you have tested me, the rule is still the rule, "No Games"!
Some of you know from an earlier post that my principal had issued and edict banning computer games in the LMCon the basis that they violated "academic integrity". No discussion, that's all I had requested. After much back and forth, she told me that I could bring it up at our school Leadership Council meeting, but that still bothered me. I did it, but then tabled it. I wanted to talk about it first.
pacmanFull.pngSomeone who responded to my post on your blog, led me to a great article in support of gaming. I also contacted our District Coordinator, who told me there was no district prohibition on Internet games, and that they were, in fact, reviewing a Math gaming program to be implemented district-wide.
Today my colleague and I had an informal meeting with the principal in our office. We plied her with freshly-brewed Colombian coffee and home-made (I made them) pecan sandies. We brought up the issue of gaming. We gave her the article. We talked about the fact that we were not "normal" librarians, and that we were leaders in the field, that we had one of the few high school Reading is Fundamental (RIF) programs in the nation, that we were one of the few libraries that embraced a totally paperback fiction collection, that we had implemented an Information Commons to encourage creativity, and that we were recognized nationally for our innovations. I told her that we were tired of being the "games police" and that students would still play games, but just close windows as we came close. It was only the slower students that we caught. We told her that we were just encouraging students to become more sly, not a good thing.
Still, she was not convinced, until I pulled out my trump card! She still wanted it to go to the Leadership Council. But as she read the list of reasons that Doug Johnson posted about gaming and came to "Kids might be finding school fun and we all know life isn't about fun," she laughed out loud and said "OK, I give, it is really your room and you should set your own rules." "I just don't want them playing violent or inappropriate games. Let's try it as a pilot program for the semester."
At lunch today, I told Edison that we had persuaded the principal that games would be OK as a pilot program. We played his "Lingo-type" game together and he and I were able to advance to the next level. He said he had never been able to do that before as he "High-Fived" me! Life is good!
Adam <okadam (at)>


Top Ten Reasons for Games in Libraries


Ten Reasons for Games in Libraries

Just off the top of my head...

  1. Games get kids into the library who might not otherwise come in, increasing the likelihood of book check out.
  2. Games keep kids busy who might otherwise be disturbing other kids.
  3. Playing games gives teeth to the threat, "If you don't follow the AUP you will loose your computer privileges, library pass, etc."
  4. Games give kids practice with social skills.
  5. Game give kids practice learning strategy and logic.
  6. Games teach content.
  7. Games allow students to build reading and math skills.
  8. Looking for games and/or information about games builds research skills.
  9. Games build intergenerational conversations and relationships.
  10. Games build a positive association with school and libraries that might not otherwise be there for a lot of kids.

 Three Reasons for Banning Games in Libraries

  1. Kids might be using resources (computers, chairs, oxygen) that other kids might need to do research.
  2. Kids might be finding school fun and we all know life isn't about fun.
  3. Games are against school rules.

Add your own, please!

(Check this post about 11 games that will make you smarter.)