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Entries in Humor (41)


Rejected Tech Tips - RIP

As some of you may know having attended one of my workshops or presentations, I like to start things off with a bit of silliness - Ask Lena, Lutefiske Computer Labs, IDS Syndrome, etc. As I was cleaning out old PPT files and I ran across one of these things that I've not used for a bit and has become dated. I will post it here and then may it rest in peace...


Rejected Tech Tips

Can’t remember all those passwords?
 Sticky note on the monitor

Running out of hard drive space?
 Save documents with smaller font size


Running out of space on your desk?



No digital camera? No problem! Just use your scanner.


You can hardly tell the difference when the yearbook comes out...



Don't want to pay recycling fees on old equipment?






Rejected Tech Tips. Rest well.
Oh, my son Brady was the good sport who was my model in some of these.



Librarian's Blues

What happens when you cross Muddy Waters with Marion the Librarian?

From my friend and colleague (but no relation) Keith Johnson up in Bloomington MN -  The Librarian's Blues. Remember, you saw it here first.

Keith is half of the talented Celtic Cat and Prairie Dog duo. One of them is talented and the other one is handsome - I can never remember which is which.

From the angst ridden performer himself...

I first *tried* to sing this song on a live school TV news show at Bloomington Kennedy last spring as I was trying to highlight the issue of getting our books back before the school year ended. I had, of course, practiced learning the very uncomplicated lyrics over and over again . . . how hard is it to rhyme the words books, took, and crook? Well, with the live cameras rolling, the whole school watching, I'm pounding the basic blues beat, and I'm blowing the harmonica . . . and as I start to sing the (uncomplicated) lyrics, I come to the horrifying realization that I have completely and utterly blanked out on the lyrics. In the thick of the panic, I'm not even sure I remembered what the hell the song was about. So I keep playing the basic blues beat, blowing on the harmonica, and praying to the high heavens to please, PLEASE  let me remember the (uncomplicated) lyrics to my own song. . . and I keep playing and playing and blowing and sucking on the harmonica (and getting very winded). I was finally ready to throw in the towel, end the song and admit I'd forgotten the lyrics (which I did mutter at one point in this very long song prelude...), but, the heavens finally did part and the lyrics (those very uncomplicated  ones...) did finally come back to me; most of them, anyway. Librarian's Blues indeed.

Tell your LWW  that I could've used some blonde backup vocals (as she provided at MEMO when I played down there for the vendor's reception...). Maybe we can overdub those later.


Never let it be said that Keith doesn't suffer for his art.


A funny librarian - really!

Q: Library Man, why should we read books?

A: The late, great comic Bill Hicks had an answer. Late one night after a show, Hicks went into a waffle shop somewhere in the South. He was by himself, so he read a book while he waited for his order. The waitress approached and asked, "What are you reading for?" The question stumped him. She hadn't asked what he was reading, but what he was reading "for." For what reason was he reading? His snarky reply was something like, "I guess so I don't end up as a waffle waitress working the graveyard shift." Rude, but he had a point.

malelib.jpgBrad Barker (Mr Library Man) is the librarian at Mark Twain Junior High School in Modesto. Hehas had two columns now published in the Sacramento Bee. Some chuckles!

Mr. Library Man wants you to speak up and ask questions

Ask Mr. Library Man: Call number for breakfast is 641.52

A male librarian with a sense of humor. Talk about playing against type! I hope to read more of Mr. Barker's wit.


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