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Entries in Humor (41)


Why I love tech-using kids

A recent note from one of our techs to her staff...

Many of you who have new computers have mentioned to me that strange messages [most of which were not very nice] are showing up when you are displaying from your computer to a smartboard or a screen.  This is occurring because your computer has a technology called Bluetooth active on the computer.  Students can then use their cell phones or PDAs or any technology with bluetooth on to send messages to your computer which are then displayed to your screen or smartboard.

To turn off Bluetooth:...

Reminds me of an incident from a few years ago when televisions in one of our schools at seemingly random intervals turned off and changed channels. We took them into the shop, called the electrician, etc. Eventually we discovered that a kid had a watch with a built in TV remote.

And all we had were spitwads. 


Save a horse - ride a librarian


This bumpersticker (that I think looks great on the Ford Ranger) is available from the Wyoming Libraries campaign website along with an number of other irreverent items. I knew the Wyoming librarians had a sense of humor from working with them last month, but this above and beyond! (Thanks to Twitterer John Pederson for the heads up about this site.)



BS Bingo - Education edition

After a long weekend of (important, but cliche-ridden) organizational planning, I've developed an educational version of the widely e-mailed "Bullshit Bingo" game.

First person at a meeting to hear these terms and complete a row, gets to yell "BULLSHIT."


I would welcome additional terms for the next version.

Oh, don't forget my guide to Bullshit Literacy.