Have you voted for Gordon yet?

The ISTE Board Election will close this Friday, April 11, at 5 P.M. Pacific.
My thanks to those of you who’ve already cast your ballots. And if you haven’t voted yet, I urge you to do so NOW. Every ballot counts as we work together to improve opportunities and outcomes for all students. Learn more about this year’s inspiring ISTE Board candidates at http://www.iste.org/elections/votersguide. Then vote!
Login is required to vote and to view each candidate’s answers to three critical questions. Can't remember your login or password? Visit ISTE's support page for assistance. If you need further help, you may speak with an ISTE Customer Service Representative at 1.800.336.5191 (Int’l 1.541.302.3777).
Help shape the future of your professional organization—and the field of Ed Tech. Cast your ballot today!
P.S.: Please remember that you'll need to login as a member to view the slate of candidates, read their statements, and vote. Voting is a privilege—and a responsibility!—of membership.
Yeah, yeah, the above is a form letter. But it is heart-felt form letter from me just to you alone, the Blue Skunk Reader. If I had mail merge, I'd have used it. My choice of candidates can be found here.