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All banner artwork by Brady Johnson, professional graphic artist.

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My book Machines are the easy part; people are the hard part is now available as a free download at Lulu.

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EdTech Update




Entries in Shameless Self Promotion (15)


See you in Anaheim and San Antonio

I've had workshop/session proposals accepted for both the annual ALA conference in Anaheim and NECC in San Antonio.  (I just hope I'm not speaking at the same time as Kathy Schrock - I hate missing her session!)

ala_head.jpgALA - June 27, 2008 - Anaheim CA
Eating Elephant 2.0 One Bite at a Time: Using the Read-Write Web in Classrooms and Libraries, workshop
E-Books, E-Kids, E-Flat! 3 Trends Schools and Libraries Will Ignore at Their Peril, workshop





 NECC - June 28 to July 2, 2008 - San Antonio TX
Are You Punishing or Preventing Plagiarism in Your School?, Workshop, June 29
E-Books, E-Kids, E-Flat! 3 Trends Schools and Libraries Will Ignore at Their Peril, Workshop, June 29
Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web, Session, July 2

See you this summer! 


Driving Questions podcasts

 My favorite road rant is "Get off the damn phone and drive." So when some guy contacts me to do a phone interviewcellphonecar.jpg while he is driving to work, I had my concerns.

But I wound up visiting with Kevin Honeycutt, a staff development specialist for ESSDACK in Hutchinson, Kansas for a bit one morning last week. After he promised to pull off to the side of the road for the inteview. The result is two podcasts for his "Driving Questions" series. He was a very nice fellow to visit with about things like technology ethics, the future of libraries, and such.

And Kevin's ESSDACK Central website looks like a rich resource I intend to explore more fully.


Upcoming webinar

disced.jpgHi folks,

I am doing a webinar for Discovery Education that is free and open to the public next Wednesday, March 21st at 5:00 EST with Steve Dembo.  More info here. Be there or be square.


Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web
In the radically-changing world of social networking, where an embarrassing photo can travel the globe in seconds, online predators are the topic of nightly news programs, students cite wikis as authoritative sources, and young adults travel as avatars to virtual worlds where anything can happen (and does), what policies do schools need to set and how do they set them? Is today's AUP sufficient for Web 2.0? How do we not just protect children today, but teach them to protect themselves well into the future?

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