See you in Anaheim and San Antonio

I've had workshop/session proposals accepted for both the annual ALA conference in Anaheim and NECC in San Antonio. (I just hope I'm not speaking at the same time as Kathy Schrock - I hate missing her session!)
ALA - June 27, 2008 - Anaheim CA
Eating Elephant 2.0 One Bite at a Time: Using the Read-Write Web in Classrooms and Libraries, workshop
E-Books, E-Kids, E-Flat! 3 Trends Schools and Libraries Will Ignore at Their Peril, workshop
NECC - June 28 to July 2, 2008 - San Antonio TX
Are You Punishing or Preventing Plagiarism in Your School?, Workshop, June 29
E-Books, E-Kids, E-Flat! 3 Trends Schools and Libraries Will Ignore at Their Peril, Workshop, June 29
Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web, Session, July 2
See you this summer!