A second go at Second Life

I had a second opportunity to use Second Life as a presentation medium last Monday night. You can read Lisa Perez's (SL name Elaine Tulip) write up here. About 40 avatars attended "No U Turn Syndrome: A New Approach to Teaching and Enforcing Copyright Compliance." The presentation was a part of AASL's National Library Week's activities in collaboration with the Chicago Public Schools Dept of Libraries. Rob Darrow also had a very nice blog entry on California Dreamin'. Rob, I truly appreciate the kind words. Ernie Cox also wrote up the event in his blog. Thanks as well, Ernie.
First, let me say a big thanks (again) to Lisa Perez. She is a comforting soul who knows her way around Second Life better than anyone else I know and manages to make anyone presenting in Second Life look more competent than they actually are. I am not sure what all her contributions have been to the physical aspects of ALA/AASL's island, but it is a beautiful, interesting and useful place. Go visit.
The newest SL client is its user-friendliest yet. And the in-world voice system make presenting much easier (and I feel more effective) than the chat/IM-based mode of just a few months ago. I feel like I still have a lot to learn about being an avatar/presenter, including:
- How can I do a better job of gesturing, moving, maintaining "eye contact." etc. with my audience? This still feels far too much one-way, rather than two-way communications.
- How do I know if the sound is working well? (Thankfully, I had one attendee tell me a couple times when I was too loud.)
- How does one better facilitate discussion at such an event? I always feel like I am being hit by several channels of conversation at one time.
Still, I had great fun and I just need to say a huge thanks to those brave avatars who attended and participated in "my" learning experience.
A common concern that people email me about is that they feel uncomfortable and ignorant about much of Second Life. Attending an ISTE Social and connecting with an experienced Second Lifer is the best way of overcoming. Here is a recent invitation:
Are you an educator new to Second Life or ISTE in SL? Come out to the ISTE Discussion Skypark on Thursday, April 17, at 5:30 PM SLT (8:30 PM EDT) to connect with avatars who can answer your questions about Second Life and ISTE.
Connectors needed! Are you interested in mentoring a new avatar at this week's social? IM Corinne Fleury <corinnefleury (at) gmail.com> for details.
SLURL: http://slurl.com/secondlife/ISTE%20Island/132/124/349
Blue Skunk readers, any tips or observations about better Second Life experiences are welcome!