Changing how we teach copyright Pt 3

Last Saturday I started writing a "a rational, ethical and legally-defensible way" of how educators should change their approach to both using and teaching about intellectual property, especially copyrighted work. I got side-tracked with some paradoxes. I continue in this post with the third of 4 posts about how we might go about doing this...
3. Be prepared to answer questions when the law seems to make little sense, when a law is inconsequential, when a law is widely ignored, or when breaking the law may serve a higher moral purpose.
It is illegal to wear a fake mustache that causes laughter in church in Alabama.
It is illegal to fish for whales on Sunday in Ohio.
Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal in Florida. (
It is illegal to show a film for reward purposes in a school in the US.
Blue laws once restricted commercial and other activities on Sundays. They were so routinely ignored that the term came to mean a law that was on the books, but never followed or enforced. I often think about blue laws when I hear questions asked about whether something is legal regarding intellectual property.
Are there intellectual property laws that are on the books but are so routinely ignored that they have become meaningless. And when enforcing them, the librarian looks like Mayberry’s Barney Fife? Are there uses of intellectual property in which the benefit to society outweighs the rights of the property owner?
A few years ago, I went to our family computer one morning to find that the hard drive was full. My son had downloaded an illegal copy of one of the Lord of the Rings movies. I asked if did felt bad about depriving Peter Jackson, one of his heroes, of his payment for making the film. His reply was, “Dad, I paid to see the movie twice and I will buy the movie when it comes out in a regular version and when it comes out in a director’s cut version. I think I am “paying” Peter Jackson for his creative works. What harm does this digital version cause?”
Other common uses of copyrighted works that regularly interpreted as illegal, but are so routinely ignored as to be meaningless include:
- Showing movies in class for entertainment or reward without a public performance license.
- Playing a commercial radio station that plays popular music in a public venue, including classrooms and gymnasiums.
- Using copyrighted or trademarked items on school bulletin boards, locally produced study materials or on personal websites. (Yes, even Disney characters!)
- Making a diligent effort to contact a work’s owner with no response and then using the work.
- Converting 16mm films or videotapes that are not available for purchase into DVD to a newer format.
- Making copies of materials for archival purposes.
- Making copies of materials that are no longer in print.
- Making copies of copyrighted materials of online resources (that can be read online without cost) for classes.
- Downloading Flash videos, such as YouTube, onto a local hard drive.
- Converting analog materials (text, pictures, video, audio) to digital formats to be used with interactive whiteboard or slide show software for whole group instruction. Readers, add to this list!
The uses above have either no or minimal impact on a copyright holders’ profits. Overly strict enforcements of the letter of copyright laws will lead to creating scofflaws of not just students, but teachers, and make all copyright restrictions suspect.
We need not give every instance of intellectual property abuse equal weight and attention. When I was a little boy growing up on the prairie, I would on occasion steal an apple or watermelon from a neighbor. Had I been caught, most of the community would have seen the action as “mischievous” rather than criminal. Were a child today caught downloading an illegal song, would we consider this act, with an equal (or some would argue smaller) degree of financial loss to the property owner, as simply “mischievous?” Should we? Adults view online misbehaviors as more serious than they are simply because they themselves did not participate in them as children. In physical property laws, crimes are rated as misdemeanors or felonies based on the amount of material stolen.
It is interesting to note, according to Temple University’s Media Education Lab, that “There’s never been a lawsuit involving a media company and an educator over the rights to use media as part of the educational process.” Which again calls the question the seriousness of the “crime.” Do we turn a blind eye when we see students or staff committing obvious thefts of intellectual property? No, but we need not over-react either. SchoolTool Project Director Tom Hoffman in a blog comment says it well:
… there is a long list of things right now, like downloading a random YouTube video, that are probably legal, certainly ethical if they're legal, never enforced if they are illegal, and if they are enforced in many cases it is by a DMCA takedown notice, not a lawsuit. OTOH, there is a fairly short list of things, like file sharing current movies, that kids, by law at least, definitely shouldn't do, might get prosecuted for, and against which there is a clear (if not decisive) ethical and practical argument. Shouldn't we focus on the short list?
If there are no alternatives and the use of the material has educational value. On her blog, Pamela Burke writes:
If we librarians do not encourage the application of Fair Use in the classroom, we're in danger of loosing it. If your school blocks YouTube, but there is a video there that would be helpful for use in class that you can get no where else, is it so bad to download it at home simply so you can use it as part of the curriculum?
Burke’s comment introduces my final question – are there ever moral precedents that should supersede questionably legal practices.
There is a large and growing movement that believes current intellectual property law, especially copyright, works against the greater good of society. “Free culturists” argue that everyone in a society benefits when creative work is placed in the public domain where everyone is allowed to use and build upon it, that current copyright laws give the owner too much control and for too long a time. Building on the free software, open source software movement, this cult at its most extreme that “intellectual property” and “copyright” are meaningless terms. (Free culturists, I feel I am giving short shrift here to these ideas. If you have "must-reads" about free culture ideals, please share them with Blue Skunk readers.)
However, Lawrence Lessig, often seen as the movement’s founding father, writes in his book Free Culture:
The free culture that I defend in this book is a balance between anarchy and control. A free culture, like a free market, is filled with property. It is filled with the rules of property and contract that get enforced by the state. But just as a free marked is perverted if its property becomes feudal, so too can a free culture be queered by extremism in the property rights that define it. That is what I fear about our culture today. It is against that extremism that this book is written.
Hobbs, Jaszi, and Aufderheide wisely write: “Applying fair uyse reasoning is about reaching a level of comfort, not memorizing a specific set of rules.” Should this statement apply to all issues involving copyright and intellectual property?
And if so, how do we help our teachers and student establish an informed, personal “level of comfort?”
Temple University Media Education Lab “Ten Common Misunderstandings about Fair Use”