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EdTech Update




Entries from April 1, 2013 - April 30, 2013


Teck Check - template

As promised, I am providing a link to a GoogleDoc template that includes checklists for all six assessment/planning goals I shared this week. It can be found HERE.

My plan is to create a series of tools that can help a district self-assess its own technology implementation status. Beats playing golf.


Teck Check - Goal Six - Enlightened Leadership

For a number of years, I've used a set of simple checklists to help districts begin conversations about the "state of the state" of their technology implementations.

Based on five long-term goals I first articulated in the article, Maslow and Motherboards: Tech Planning, Multimedia School, Jan/Feb 2003, I update these checklists in a regular basis. Over this next week, I'll do so once again. Your comments are welcome (and invaluable).

As a result of a comment left by David Wees on this blog after I posted the first checklist, I have decided to add this sixth goal to the Teck Check tool. Thank you, David, for reminding me that without leadership, planning, and communications, no technology will be effective. 

At the end of the week, I will provide a link to a shared GoogelDrive folder that contains all these checklists as templates under CreativeCommons license.

Goal Six - Enlightened Leadership



Technology policies, practices, and planning will be done deliberately and collaboratively to achieve educational effectiveness throughout the district

Related educational objective

Progress to date





The district has an identified technology director, chief technology officer, or other position whose primary directive is technology planning that supports the district’s strategic plan.

The technology department is adequately staffed with technicians, systems managers, staff development facilitators, clerical assistants, and other positions that ensure the effective and reliable use of resources. Job descriptions for all positions are current and complete.

The district has a technology advisory committee comprised of teachers, administrators, technologists, librarians, students, parents and community members to help write technology plans, create short range objectives, formulate district policies, develop budgets, and assess the technology program.

The technology department communicates on a regular basis with the school district staff and community about technology initiatives and seeks input from all stakeholders.

The district has a long-range technology plan that meets district needs and state requirements.

District leadership is understands and follows current state and federal laws related to technology use, meeting the requirements of CIPA, FERPA, and the E-rate program.

The technology department has representation on other district-wide planning groups including curriculum, staff development, and facility committees.

District technology leadership attends conferences, reads professional journals, and uses professional learning networks to keep current on technology initiatives.

The district is represented on regional, state, and national technology cooperatives and work groups.

The technology department has easily found online resources available to all stakeholders related to procedures, policies, job descriptions, training materials and other useful information.



Teck Check - Goal Five - Empowered Students

For a number of years, I've used a set of simple checklists to help districts begin conversations about the "state of the state" of their technology implementations.

Based on five long-term goals I first articulated in the article, Maslow and Motherboards: Tech Planning, Multimedia School, Jan/Feb 2003, I update these checklists in a regular basis. Over this next week, I'll do so once again. Your comments are welcome (and invaluable).

At the end of the week, I will provide a link to a shared GoogelDrive folder that contains all these checklists as templates under CreativeCommons license.

 Goal Five - Empowered Students


All students will demonstrate the mastered use of technology to access, process, organize, communicate and evaluate information in order to answer questions and solve problems and to practice good digital citizenship.

Related educational objective
Progress to date

Integrated curricular use of skill practice and simulation software titles

Planned use of proven computerized instructional systems

Integrated curricular use of subject-specific technologies such as science probes, graphing calculators, accounting software, and CAD programs

Planned use of adaptive technologies for special needs students

Planned use of reading promotion software

A written information literacy skills curriculum that includes grade level ELOs K-12 in information literacy, technology use, and digital citizenship.

Information and technology literacy competencies aericulated and formally integrated into each content area course curriculum.

Units at each grade level team-taught by classroom teacher and library media specialist tied to the curriculum and information and technology literacy curriculum

Assessments of information literacy units

Method of reporting information literacy and technology skill attainment to individual students and parents

Method of aggregating information literacy and technology skill attainment and reporting results to board and community

Plan for continuous assessment and revision of information and technology literacy curriculum

Plan for teaching and assessing safe and ethical technology use by students

Opportunities for students to participate in distance learning opportunities

Projects that use Web 2.0 technologies – wikis, blogs, social networking tools.
