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Entries from August 1, 2008 - August 31, 2008


Blog Award

JIm (teacherninja) was nice enough to pass this award along to me. It now entitles me to give seven others this award.

I will draw them from the library field. A neat way to find a some other library bloggers of value!

  1. California Dreamin' by Rob Darrow
  2. Adventures in Educational Blogging by Susan Sedro
  3. Dunstanology, the St Dunstan School Library Blog
  4. Professional Thoughts by Cathy Nelson
  5. Always Learning by Kim Cofino
  6. Not So Distant Future by Carolyn Foote
  7. From Who the Bell Tolls: M A Bell's Blog About Librarianship and Technology

Oh, the award goes on my shelf next to the Whitcomb Prize for satire! The Illusion of Change tripped a trigger. I still think it is a wonderful piece of writing. Funny how I can't find any ed journal that wants to publish it.


In 50 words

ChangeThis released a new manifesto called Mini Sagas: Bite Sized Lessons For Life and Business by Rajesh Setty. The premise is interesting...

A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words—not 49 or 51 but in exactly 50 words.

Benefit #1: 
Writing a mini saga expands your creativity. Constraints typically expand creativity 
or induce flight. When you have to put everything in 50 words, you have to “leave behind” a lot.
That’s where the creative juices start flowing.

Benefit #2: 
Writing a mini saga stretches your thinking. What will you write about? You have to think 
about topics that will fit in 50 words or squeeze them to fit in 50 words. That puts thinking  

on overdrive mode.

Benefit #3: 
Writing a mini saga enhances your discipline. Deciding what to write about, deciding what 
to leave behind and putting it in 50 words requires discipline throughout.

Here is my effort:


Finding Time

Each time I pass the picture I take a few seconds to straighten it. On its single nail, heavy tread makes it tilt. I always have the extra seconds to make it straight, but I never have the precious minute needed to get the second nail to straighten it permanently.


Give it a try. It's kind of fun!



 The photo used came in my email. It demanded a poster...

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