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Entries from August 1, 2009 - August 31, 2009


Networking Guidelines, Revised

It is comments like these that give blogging it professional value to me:

This list of advice sure seems heavy on the "Thou Shalt Nots" without much to inspire teachers to get online and create a powerful, educational online presence. In my experience, teachers are already sufficiently terrified by the "bogey man" of life online... they don't need to be made more frightened: instead, they need to learn about how to build their online identity in a way that benefits themselves professionally, benefits their students educationally, and contributes to the overall use of the Internet for teaching and learning. - Laura


Well I'm in BIG trouble. I use my Facebook account almost exclusively for educational purposes.

Almost all of my "friends" are students. I share their photos of their artwork, links to videos i want them to view (tutorials, documentaries, animations) and make recomendations about websites and even TV programs they might be interested in.

i joke with the parents when they come to open house that i can show a clip during school and half the class is asleep. I post the same video to Facebook and 5 minutes later I have 10 comments all telling me how cool it is.

A hammer can be used to build a house or break your thumb. It's just a tool. It's all about how you use it.


As a result of thoughtful challenges like these, Jen Hegna and I decided to revise The Guidelines for Educators Using Social Networking Sites shared on the Blue Skunk a couple weeks ago. What do you think?


Guidelines for Educators Using Social and Educational Networking Sites
August 20, 2009

Social networks are rapidly growing in popularity and use by all ages in society. The most popular social networks are web-based, commercial, and not purposely designed for educational use. They include sites like Facebook, MySpace, Bebo, and Xanga. For individuals, social networking sites provide tremendous opportunities for staying in touch with friends and family.

Educational networking sites are also growing in use. These sites are used by educators for both professional development and as a teaching tool, and are usually restricted to selected users and not available to the general public. These include networking tools such as Moodle, educational wikis, specially created Nings, or district adoptions of online applications such as Saywire, Live@edu or Google Apps for Education.

As educators, we have a professional image to uphold and how we conduct ourselves online impacts this image. As reported by the media, there have been instances of educators demonstrating professional misconduct while engaging in inappropriate dialogue about their schools and/or students or posting pictures and videos of themselves engaged in inappropriate activity online. Mistakenly, some educators feel that being online shields them from having their personal lives examined. But educators’ online identities are very public and can cause serious repercussions if their behavior is careless.

One of the hallmarks of online networks, both social and educational, is the ability to “friend” others – creating a group of others that share interests and personal news. The district strongly discourages teachers from accepting invitations to friend students within personal social networking sites. When students gain access into a teacher’s network of friends and acquaintances and are able to view personal photos and communications, the student-teacher dynamic is altered. By friending students, teachers provide more information than one should share in an educational setting. It is important to maintain a professional relationship with students to avoid relationships that could cause bias in the classroom.

The district does recognize the value of student/teacher interaction on educational networking sites. Collaboration, resource sharing, and student/teacher and student/student dialog can all be facilitated by the judicious use of educational networking tools. Such interactivity is a critical component of any online class and can greatly enhance face-to-face classes. Yet since this is a new means of communication, some guidelines are in order for educational networking as well.

For the protection of your professional reputation, the district recommends the following practices:

Guidelines for the use of social networking sites by professional staff:

  • Do not accept students as friends on personal social networking sites. Decline any student-initiated friend requests.
  • Do not initiate friendships with students
  • Remember that people classified as “friends” have the ability to download and share your information with others.
  • Post only what you want the world to see. Imagine your students, their parents, your administrator, visiting your site. It is not like posting something to your web site or blog and then realizing that a story or photo should be taken down. On a social networking site, basically once you post something it may be available, even after it is removed from the site.
  • Do not discuss students or coworkers or publicly criticize school policies or personnel.
  • Visit your profile’s security and privacy settings. At a minimum, educators should have all privacy settings set to “only friends”. “Friends of friends” and “Networks and Friends” open your content to a large group of unknown people. Your privacy and that of your family may be a risk.

Guidelines for the use of educational networking sites by professional staff:

  • Let your administrator, fellow teachers and parents know about your educational network.
  • When available, use school-supported networking tools.
  • Do not say or do any thing that you would not say or do in as a teacher in the classroom. (Remember that all online communications are stored and can be monitored.)
  • Have a clear statement of purpose and outcomes for the use of the networking tool.
  • Establish a code of conduct for all network participants.
  • Do not post images that include students without parental release forms on file.
  • Pay close attention to the site's security settings and allow only approved participants access to the site.

Guidelines for all networking sites by professional staff:

  • Do not use commentary deemed to be defamatory, obscene, proprietary, or libelous. Exercise caution with regards to exaggeration, colorful language, guesswork, obscenity, copyrighted materials, legal conclusions, and derogatory remarks or characterizations.
  • Weigh whether a particular posting puts your effectiveness as a teacher at risk.
  • Due to security risks, be cautious when installing the external applications that work with the social networking site. Examples of these sites are calendar programs and games.
  • Run updated malware protection to avoid infections of spyware and adware that social networking sites might place on your computer.
  • Be careful not to fall for phishing scams that arrive via email or on your wall, providing a link for you to click, leading to a fake login page.
  • If a staff member learns of information, on the social networking site, that falls under the mandatory reporting guidelines, they must report it as required by law.

Please stay informed and cautious in the use of all new networking technologies.


Written by Jen Hegna, Information Systems Manager, Byron (MN) Public Schools and Doug Johnson, Director of Media and Technology, Mankato (MN) Public Schools


Betty Marcoux on a Mindset list for librarians

There is the old cliche that "great minds think alike." Below is the internationally know library expert Betty Marcoux's take on the Mindset list. She is far more thoughtful than the Skunk on this topic... Betty's guest post:

Lists like the Beloit College Mindset List for 2013 ( are now out and reflect thoughts about the mindset of incoming college students into higher education schools. While this list is making teachers of these students aware of their mindset, what about the mindset of teacher librarians that are newbies to this field (either in graduate school or newly ensconced in a K-12 school)? Information about how their contextual behaviors may affect the way they work with students K-12 and we need this information to know how to best teach the nuances of being an effective teacher librarian. We learn from this list about the student, but what about the teacher librarian of the student? Does this professional have a contextual lens that helps explain their behavior toward these students?

Just musing - ideas?

Betty Marcoux was a practicing teacher librarian for over 25 years before joining the faculty of the Information School at the University of Washington. She has also been on the faculty of the University of Arizona as an adjunct, and serves on many natonal and state groups that relate to education and school library media programming. Currently she works as the co-editor of the professional journal Teacher Librarian, serves part-time on the faculty of the Information School, and runs her own consulting business about librarianship.


If you had to pay for it, would you still use it?

TANSTAAFL is an acronym for the adage "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" originating in the late 1930s and later popularized by science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein in his 1966 novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, which discusses the problems caused by not considering the eventual outcome of an unbalanced economy. Wikipedia

Miguel Guhlin at Around the Corner "Borrowing 2.0 Same as Always" asks some interesting questions about "free" Web 2.0 tools:

Should school districts continue to allow teachers to post content online in Web 2.0 services that are "free" now but may result in cost later? And, do all teachers have the "technical flexibility" to adapt to new tools as they arise, shedding the old ones?

Time and time again, we've seen free Web 2.0 services "hook" users with their services and then seek to profit from them.

As a school district administrator, movement into free services--consider GoogleApps for Educators--must be carefully considered. What happens tomorrow when the money runs out and the lender calls in the note?

Something in me shares Miguel's concern about the over-use of free resources on the web. Is this an economic model that is sustainable and what will be lost if a free tool goes away? (Especially as we think about moving into GoogeApps for Education.)

Now I have always been a "belt and suspenders" kind of guy, so when it come to web services that are important to me, I don't mind paying for them. These include:

  • Mozy for file back up
  • SmugMug for photo storage/sharing
  • SquareSpace for blogging

Somehow knowing that these sites want to keep me as a customer makes them more reliable and more attentive to my personal needs. And knowing that they have an economic model that might be helping the owners make their mortgage payments feels reassuried about them being in business this time next year.

I've been thinking that perhaps one way of determining the value of a tool might be to ask oneself if one had to pay for it, would one still use it? Here are my choices. Feel free to disagree. (As if anyone who reads this blog needs to be told that!)

  • Facebook - no, but it's growing on me
  • GoogleMail - definitely
  • GoogleApps - definitely
  • Delicious - definitely
  • iGoogle - probably, but not very much
  • Twitter - they need to pay ME to use it
  • GoogleReader - definitely
  • Motivator - I'd pay a little
  • Online banking - definitely
  • Wikispaces - yes, but probably not very much
  • MapQuest - yes, but probably not very much

Should a person be recommending a tool to others that he/she wouldn't be willing to pay to use? Part of our jobs as librarians and tech specialists is to evaluate and select tools to recommend to others. This might work as a rule of thumb... 

Johnson's Law of New Tools: Never recommend a program that has so little value you wouldn't pay for it.


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