Pointless babble and other trivia

A few items I enjoyed reading this past week and thought you might like'm too.
A recent study of Twitter by Pear Analytics showed the highest use was "pointless babble." Stephen Abrams labeled his blog entry about this "From the Duh! Department." My take-away: it's not who you follow, but how well you can filter that determines if Twitter is useful to you.
If you enjoy political satire and animation, add Mark Fiore to your GoogleReader. His latest, Reform Madness, cracked me up!
Check out "SchoolKid Laptops: How Portugal's Doing it Right" by Rob Salkowitz. Not only are the kids getting laptops, but Internet access as well. Paid for by 3G licensing sales. US GDP per capita: $46,859. Portugal GDP per capita: $22,677. What's wrong with this picture? Oh, educators, how we gonna filter that EVDO Internet access?
That Committed Sardine, Ian Jukes, lists 24 Things About to Become Extinct. I am glad that both librarians and I did not make the list, but if the predictions are true I will certainly miss ash trees. But not dial-up Internet access. (Funny moment in the movie The Proposal when Sandra Bullock's character is startled by the sound of a modem establishing a connection. Sort of took me back...)
Buffy Hamilton at the Unquiet Library shares one of those "a startling but dubious fact every 30 seconds" videos that have become de rigeur at the beginning of all conference and back-to-school opening sessions. (I blame Karl Fisch for starting this.) This one was released end of last month:
It took only a couple minutes to find this was produced by Erik Qualman (AKA equalman), but I have yet to find his bibliography for the sources of his "facts." Anybody, anybody?
Finally, the Geezer Online collected a few stupid uses of social networking sites and titled the blog entry, "Natural selection at work and play." My favorite:
Then yesterday we came across, the following diatribe posted by a young woman to Facebook: "OMG I HATE MY JOB!! My boss is a total pervvy wanker always making me do s**t stuff just to piss me off!! WANKER!" Oops, she had apparently forgotten that she was still in her probationary period, AND had "friended" her boss, so this immediately attracted his attention. The ensuing loss of employment was surprising only to her.
Coming soon, The Darwin Awards for social networking???
Have a lovely weekend...