I believe I have received the direct* largess of the government twice in my life. While I was in college, I got food stamps for a couple months. I received a National Defense Loan for $500 which was forgiven because I taught in an impoverished area for two years as a new teacher. Below is the third, and probably last, federal handout I'll get: the Obamobile.

My "Cash for Clunkers" application was approved, my trusty Ford Ranger is heading to the scrap heap, and I picked up a bright blue Toyota Yaris** two-door yesterday morning. I wanted a yellow one so it would look like a lemon, but none were available. A friend told the LWW that it was probably a good thing I didn't get yellow since "everyone would then know where I went." Which makes me wonder why I don't about these places I shouldn't be going.
In my case, the clunkers program worked as intended. My truck got about 16mpg; the Yaris is supposed to get 36mpg***. Had the incentive not been available, I'm sure I would have made some repairs to the Ranger and kept on driving it for another five years or so. I am notoriously cheap about cars - driving them until lifeless.
I will miss having a pickup, but the reality is, we don't really need one. While I like to think driving such a manly vehicle did something for my image, my image is pretty much a lost cause - even with a gun rack. It will be far less expensive to rent a truck the few times we actually need a truck - hauling dirt, putting the dock in and taking it out, taking the rider mower in for service - than to own a truck. But if any manufacturer still made a small truck that got over 25mpg, I'd have bought one.
Anway, I've done my bit to stimulate the economy.
* I do realize I am the indirect recipient of many government services - roads, public safety, education, defense, etc.
** Translation from the Japanese: cheap bastard.
*** I really wanted a Smart Car, but we have no local dealership. I'd still like to think 36mpg qualifies this as an "above average in intelligence" car, if not actually smart.