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EdTech Update




Entries from August 1, 2014 - August 31, 2014


On booby prizes and new horizons

booby prize noun : a prize that is given as a joke to the person who finishes last in a competition

Don't mistake the edge of a rut for the horizon.
~ James Patterson

25 years ago I was returning from teaching overseas and decided I wanted a job in the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area. After a late start in job hunting and a couple snags getting a Minnesota teaching license, the "big" schools had their library positions filled. 

As chance would have it, the St. Peter, MN, schools had a librarian's job open up late in the summer. And since they would be building an addition to their high school that included a new media center, they were so desperate to fill the position they hired me. With a family to feed, I accepted this booby prize - another small school, small town position, 75 miles from the bright lights of the big city. Until something better turned up, anyway.

While I enjoyed teaching in St. Peter and helped design a great library, I still applied for library supervisor jobs in the Cities. Without success. In the meantime, I moved into a house on a lake, started teaching as an adjunct for the local state university, and made friends. So when an "audio-visual supervisor" job opened in the Mankato schools in 1991, I applied for it even though it was 15 miles further away from my dream of living in Minneapolis.

It turned out that the Mankato job was interesting and rewarding and I was pretty good at it. The audio visual supervisor eventually became the technology director as computers and networks and the Internet entered the schools and became critical to daily operations. The town of Mankato was growing and the monthly trip to the metro area to visit Target and Barnes & Noble became unnecessary when those chains opened here. I became active in Kiwanis and the YMCA and helped the local United Way raise money. Mankato became my son's "hometown" with him having only vague memories of ever living anywhere else. Bike trails flourished. It got easier and easier to be proud of being from Mankato.

I applied and was offered a few other professional jobs over the years, but when I told the family about moving to Wisconsin or Missouri or whereever, they'd go into melt-down. So finally I promised my son that I would stay in the Mankato area until he finished school and I would stop looking for other jobs.

Thus 25 years later I'm still here.

On retrospect the booby prize turned out to be the grand prize. The Mankato Area and its schools have been a wonderful place to live and raise a family. I could not have asked for a more rewarding career - both a day job that never got boring and an employer that gave me the flexibility to be a writer and conference speaker on the side. I have had incredible superintendents to work for, always supportive school boards, and top-notch coworkers. I often wonder what would happen if I ever had to supervise a person who actually needed supervision! 

But I am moving on. I have accepted a technology director position for the suburban Burnsville-Eagan-Savage (MN) School district that will start in a couple weeks. The last question I was asked during the interview process was simply "Why do you want a new job when you already have a great situation where you are?" It was the exact question I had been asking myself since I hesitantly sent in my resume.

While there are several reasons for the move, what it really comes down to is this: I want a job that will challenge me in new ways. Simple as that. I want the work of moving mountains, not just doing landscaping until I retire. New eyes on technology will be good for Mankato's kids; and I hope my experience will be good for Burnsville's students. 

And I want to see if big city life is all I've dreamt it to be.

Wish me luck. I'll need it!


12 things you need to know about me as a supervisor

I have now supervised others for about 36 years. First as a library media specialist working with library paras and then as a technology director overseeing the work of a diverse and growing bunch of technicians, coordinators, and clerical staff. I’ve personally had both good and bad supervisors and have learned from both. Having done some reflection, here are some of things you should know about me if I were your boss...

  1. I hate to supervise. My long held belief is that the secret of successful supervision is to hire people who don’t need supervision. I don’t like being micromanaged nor do I want to have to micromanage others.

  2. I want people aligned to a simple mission. When you work in my department and anyone asks you what your job is I hope you say “Educating children.” I don’t care if you are a network manager, accounts receivable clerk, media specialist, or tech integration specialist. Your primary job, the basis of all decisions you make, is simple - what's best as it applies to educating kids.

  3. I am not a mind reader. I don’t do subtle. I don’t get hints, looks, or attitudes. You have a problem with me, a coworker, a decision, or a situation, you have to tell me. I will absolutely respect you for your honesty.

  4. I'd rather steer you than spur you. I love ideas and new approaches to getting things done. Take initiatives. Suggest policies and new approaches. Seth Godin writes: "It's the boss's job to continually ask, ‘is this the most daring vision of your work?’“I have to try to remember that as well.

  5. I believe in families first. Your children will only play t-ball for so many years. Your mom may really need you as she ages. Your husband may require a ride to work. I get that. Honor being a parent, a son/daughter, or a spouse. You only get one chance really to be a good family member.

  6. Never put in unpaid overtime. ‘Nuf said. I believe in flexibility and measuring outputs not inputs. It’s never about how long you spend working, it’s about how much you accomplish.

  7. The only thing I like better than a compliment is a compliment about someone in my department. Any department I run should be noted for its friendliness and communication skills. We can’t always fix problems but we can always let people know we’ve heard their problems and are trying.

  8. Formal evaluations are bullshit. I will do my best to give you feedback on a continuous basis. (And I know I never say thank you or recognize the efforts of others enough.) Let’s figure out together how to turn the formal evals into some kind goal setting plan that actually might make sense.

  9. No surprises. I want to know the good stuff that’s happening as well as potential problems. We will meet regularly to share, but if something comes up, let me know. I don’t like looking clueless. And no end runs - you regularly go to my boss instead of me with a problem, don’t ever ask me for a recommendation.

  10. We are interdependent. If we focus on making each other successful, we will all thrive and feel satisfaction. The thing I love most about being a supervisor is being asked for help and being able to give it. I will make sure your voice is heard by my boss and will do my best to get you the necessary resources for you to be successful. All I want in return is that you make me look good. Is that too much to ask?

  11. Make me the bad guy. If somebody gets on you about a policy you didn’t make, don’t take any abuse. Just send them to me. I believe disagreement is a healthy thing in an organization, but I also believe in professionalism.

  12. Happy workers are good workers. I’ve worked for assholes and I’ve worked for decent human beings. I don’t just believe happy people are more productive, I believe workers can’t be productive at all unless they are happy. I want everyone looking forward to work every day.

Reading this might make you think I am a pushover. You’d be wrong. I have high expectations of the people in my department. 


A (not so) brief timeline of technology efforts in ISD77

About 8 years ago, I created a "Brief Timeline of Technology Efforts in ISD77" to help me remember when some of our technology efforts were made in the district. I decided it might be time for an update. See if any of these resonate with you in your district. Of course some of you were probably not born at the beginning of this timeline. Go check your diapers.








Brief Timeline of Technology Efforts in ISD77 1991-2014


  • began regular technology inservices for media specialists who are given Macintosh Classics
  • installed single stand alone computer in each media center with electronic encyclopedia
  • added additional computers and Corvus networks to elementary schools
  • installed first fax machines in school buildings
  • changed District AV to District Media Technology Services. The new department is to offer computer services, library processing and support, audio-visual production and repair, the district print shop, a video/film library, and delivery services.
  • hired Media Supervisor to replace the retired AV director (Doug)
  • unsuccessfully attempted to move 1/2 computer coordinator, 1/2 time math teacher into department
  • acquired 20 e-mail address on the Mankato State University vax for librarians. Line interface to Internet.


  • began first year of training for 20 elementary teachers and 20 secondary teachers. Macintosh Classic II computers, printers and 14.4 modems are given in exchange for 30 hours of non-school time for training. Program will eventually teach basic computer productivity skills to all elementary teachers.
  • identified and write CODE 77 basic teacher technology skills
  • installed file servers, Novell operating systems, student workstations and automated library systems in all building media centers
  • installed Xpress/Xchange in each media center that provides access to news and information through cable TV network
  • replaced Apple II computers with 15 Macintosh computers in Garfield lab. Cards to run Apple II software included.
  • began moving elementary computer labs to classrooms adjacent to media centers with connecting doors. All school library media centers will eventually have computer labs in or adjacent to them.
  • established District Media Technology Advisory Committee of teachers, administrators, parents, students and community members.
  • hired district’s first computer technician (DJ)


  • installed data and telephone network drops in all rooms and offices at Dakota Meadows, West, Eagle Lake – our model “high tech” schools – as part of building and remodeling efforts.
  • wired Kennedy school classrooms for data with help of volunteer parents and staff.
  • installed 24 computers in Kennedy classrooms for teacher and student use.
  • installed 80 computers in Dakota Meadows labs and classrooms.
  • installed 12 station PC lab at Alternative High School.
  • installed WAN network consisting of permanently connected 14 baud modems in all district buildings and connection to the Internet cloud.
  • hired a full time as computer coordinator for district with office in the department (Sue R)


  • started TnT Academy, 5 days of summer workshops for teachers in technology skills
  • started formal secretarial training
  • installed email servers and Internet connections in all buildings to provide email of all staff and students
  • installed data and telephone drops in all rooms and offices at East JH and SH, Roosevelt, Monroe, Jefferson, Hoover, and Franklin schools
  • installed 30 station lab in West High School media center
  • installed 24 classroom computers in Roosevelt 2nd and 4th grade classrooms
  • moved District Media and Technology Services from basement to 2nd floor of West High School Annex


  • Information Skills curriculum written by media specialists that included the objectives for both the library/media curriculum and computer curriculum
  • installed data and telephone drops in all rooms and offices at Garfield, Washington, Alternative High School, and the District Offices - all classrooms and offices have telephones and data jacks.
  • installed lab in East Media Center for high school students
  • began Accelerated Reader, a reading promotion program, in elementary schools with funds donated by PTOs
  • installed many computers in elementary labs purchased through PTO donations


  • district media advisory committee wrote first long-range tech plan for state
  • implemented integrated Information Skills curriculum in two content areas at each elementary grade level
  • added a lab for Franklin 6th grade center
  • added 30 computers to East Media Center for junior high students
  • installed coaxial wide area network (10BT shared) with cable company
  • created district website
  • board adopted first Acceptable Use Policy for the Internet
  • first webpage guidelines written for the district
  • install CCC lab at one elementary school for Title I. Runs for 3 years.
  • hired first elementary computer technician


  • online elementary progress reports started using home-grown FileMakerPro database
  • online Individual Education Plans for special education students begun
  • began advanced CODE 77 training and upgraded equipment for teachers
  • TnT Academy taken over by South Central Technical College
  • World Wide Web page design and FileMaker Pro training for individuals in buildings given
  • added 15 station computer labs to all elementary buildings
  • began replacing dumb hubs with switches and smart hubs
  • remodeled Jefferson media center


  • selected new networked student management system (SASIxp) to replace 10 year old stand-alone Osiris
  • started MeetingMaker – a shared calendar program for all administrators
  • began using Internet services provided by regional consortium SOCRATES
  • NCA visit evaluated media and technology programs
  • remodeled Franklin media center
  • conducted first security audit of networks
  • added media and information skills to elementary progress reports
  • hired Student Information System Manager (Katie)


  • added networked district file space for all staff and students (YODA)
  • teachers began using Classxp to take attendance and do final grades online
  • purchased subscription to online full-text magazine databases and provided access to state provided databases
  • remodeled Hoover media center
  • add two secondary computer technicians


  • upgraded network that connects all buildings to shared Ethernet 100BT fiber network leased from telephone company
  • aligned Information Skills curriculum with Graduation rule requirements
  • began recording and reporting of Basic and High Standards in student information systems
  • purchased and implemented IntegradePro at middle schools
  • piloted online grade book system (ParentConnectxp) accessible by parents at East Junior High
  • began datamining project to help determine effectiveness of educational programs
  • library programs nominated for national award
  • implemented web-forms for teacher pages
  • began using SmartFinance online accounting purchasing system
  • add second elementary technician


  • wrote technology benchmarks for student 9-12 and placed technology skills in required classes
  • acquired World Book Encyclopedia online for school and home use by students
  • upgraded schools library catalogs to make them web-accessible
  • created listservs for district parents
  • installed system wide virus protection system
  • installed electronic entry system in all buildings


  • purchased and implemented IntegradePro at high schools
  • expanded online grade book system accessible by parents at all middle schools schools
  • developed cheating and plagiarism guidelines
  • monitored tech skill inclusion in Grad Rule packages
  • built database of elementary IL/tech projects
  • provided MarcoPolo training
  • changed media and tech department monthly newsletter to e-mail format
  • worked with new staff development coordinator to formulate long-term staff development technology plan.
  • installed Apple Network Administrator on all teacher computers
  • pilot Read (un)Naturally in one elementary building


  • installed wireless 802.11a base stations in each media center and study hall for use by students and staff with wireless laptops
  • conducted marketing/advocacy campaign for Mankato School Library Media Centers.
  • employed spam filtering software for staff email accounts.
  • conducted training sessions on data mining for administrators and building site teams
  • rewrote state required long range technology plan
  • contracted for regular security sweep of the district’s networks.
  • create VPN for security purposes.
  • wrote security policies.
  • completed authentication database
  • Apple OSX in all elementary schools


  • expanded online grade book system accessible by parents at all high schools
  • worked with Curriculum Council on placing information literacy and technology standards in secondary written content area curricula based on survey.
  • install and inservice teachers on Digital Curriculum.
  • improve interface of district website and conduct usability study.
  • training and using AtomicLearning.
  • begin transportation database project.
  • install X-serve servers and begin using Apple Profile
  • install and configure NAS backup device for servers.
  • create position of Administrative Systems Manager


  • review current technology benchmarks for K-8 to ascertain that they will meet the requirements of NCLB.
  • form library media study groups to discuss best practices and the media/technology program’s contributions to student achievement.
  • implement NWEA online testing, grades 2-10
  • write guidelines for student owned technology used in schools
  • implement databases for reading and math achievement in all elementary schools
  • implement district-wide facility scheduling program for Community Ed
  • switch from Novell to Windows NOS
  • finish adding voice mail to all schools
  • pass technology referendum for $500,000 per year for seven years to 1) improve student access to tech resources, provide projectors and interactive white boards in all classrooms, improve infrastructure (move to 100 mb switchedWAN)

Added in this post...


  • developed Internet safety campaign for school and community
  • implemented rSchoolToday website for all secondary schools
  • installed 120 Smartboards and projectors (first of a five year project that added this equipment to all classrooms
  • included secondary teachers in CODE77 training
  • worked with mentors to establish formal tech training for new teachers
  • moved to Microsoft Exchange from Send Mail and MeetingMaker
  • implemented Versatran Transportation System


  • wrote Internet Safety Curriculum for grades K-12
  • implemented rSchoolsToday website for district and elementary pages
  • developed online film booking system
  • online testing for MCAII Science, MTELL for ELL students, NWEA
  • discontinued YODA for staff and students with LODESTAR
  • began upgrading building switches to 1 gig
  • installed level 7 packetshapter to prioritize Internet traffic rather than block YouTube


  • wrote technology and information literacy assessments for grades K-8
  • implemented InfiniteCampus and began parent registration for parent portal
  • implemented AtomicLearning and AtomicTraining
  • deployed district wiki and blog server (short-lived)
  • installed ITV connection at East HS for Chinese language classes
  • began planning new (Rosa Parks) elementary school


  • began use of GoogleApps for Education for staff
  • trained all 6-12 students in use of InfiniteCampus student portal
  • began use of Messenger feature in InfiniteCampus by teachers
  • selected and planned for installation of new VOIP telephone system
  • conducted internal and external independent security audit


  • began use of GoogleApps for Education for students
  • aligned elementary progress reports to match the educational learner outcomes
  • upgraded library automation system to Destiny
  • implemented helpdesk
  • building-wide voice amplification systems at Rosa Parks and Eagle Lake
  • wrote 2013-2015 state technology plan
  • included technology offering in PD dept’s Teacher Academy


  • surveyed students on home Internet access
  • revised Acceptable Use Policy to included personally owned devices
  • put curriculum guides online
  • began first cohort of Moodle users
  • began pilot BYOD projects
  • began work on adding tech competencies to teacher evaluation process (Danielson)
  • began supporting Naviance
  • include early childhood screening in IC
  • deploy Android and iOS apps for parent/student IC portal
  • install security camera systems at elementary schools
  • implement new virtualization software on district servers
  • passed second technology referendum for $500,000 per year for seven years


  • began “Get Connected” program offering low cost Internet access to families qualifying for FRP
  • planned iLearn 7-8 1:1 pilot project
  • began e-book projects using Mackin Via, TumbleBooks and PebbleGo
  • review and acquire e-book versions of all 7-12 textbooks
  • began Innovation Zone conference
  • revised CODE 77 training to be differentiated and online
  • began using Destiny textbook management system
  • upgraded wireless access in grades 9-12
  • installed voice amplification systems grades K-2 (3 year plan to add voice amp in all instructional areas K-6)
  • upgrade firewall/packetshaper/filter to Palo Alto
  • implement mobile device management system for iPads
  • begin upgrade of building switches from 1 Gig to 10 Gig
  • began outsourced printer management program
  • iPad leadership training for district administrators


  • complete ELA media standards to be taught by media specialists
  • begin iLearn project with teachers and social studies classes
  • began use of Moodle to replace textbooks in 7-8 social studies
  • upgraded wireless access in grades 6-8
  • begin online portfolios for students 6-12
  • begin Title 1 iPad project
  • intellectual property board policy created
  • moved food service into InfiniteCampus
  • Public Relations begins using IC Messenger for community communications
  • participate in development of district strategic roadmap and write VisionCard for technology department
  • support mirroring of iPads to computers/projectors using AirPlay
  • upgrade district-wide network to 300 mpps
  • participate in planning of new east side middle school and expansion of Dakota Meadows

2014-15 (planned)

  • aligned technology goals to District Strategic Roadmap
  • assess full implementation of iLearn - 1:1 for K
  • upgraded wireless access in grades K-5
  • upgrade Internet connectivity to district from cloud to 1 Gig
  • create plan for BYOD in 9-12
  • pilot MyOn Reader with community
  • pilot wifi on school buses
  • support Benchmark literacy online resources
  • design ILP for teacher use, replacing F2F classes in CODE77

And I am sure the next 20 years will see even bigger changes. 


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