The ISTE Board Needs You

Having already demonstrated that you are a person of great intelligence and impeccable taste (being a Blue Skunk reader, of course), I would strongly encourage you to nominate yourself for the ISTE Board of Directors.
The responsibilities are not onerous, expenses (including NECC registration for the years while you serve) are paid, AND school library representation is needed! (See details below.)
My final board meeting after two terms (4 years) will be in February. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about being a Board Member.
The official announcement from ISTE:
Board Nominations Open Monday Dec. 17
Dear ISTE Member,
The ISTE Board Nominations Committee is seeking outstanding educational technology leaders to serve on the ISTE Board of Directors. This is your opportunity to nominate a visionary educator <> committed to improving teaching and learning by advancing the effective use of technology in education. You may nominate any ISTE member (including yourself!). Nominations for five open Board positions will be accepted beginning Monday, December 17, 2007, through January 22, 2008, each with a two-year term starting in June 2008. Please be prepared to provide the nominee's ISTE membership number, contact information, résumé/vitae, and answers to three guiding questions.
More details about the nomination process, open positions, three guiding questions, and Board member responsibilities will be available Monday at We encourage you to take advantage of this excellent opportunity to expand your reach and help shape the future of educational technology with ISTE, the leading organization for Ed Tech professionals! Special Interest Group Officer Nominations are also open from December 17, 2007, through January 22, 2008. For more information and to view the open positions, please visit the SIG Elections page <> .
Kurt A. Steinhaus, EdD Past President, ISTE Chair, Nominations and Appointments Committee
Trina J. Davis, PhD President, ISTE
A little FAQ:
1. How do I answer the “guiding questions?”
Here is a link to how I answered these questions.
My sense is that each individual will have unique ways of answering these questions.
2. How much travel is involved?
There are three board meetings each year that require travel – one in September, one in February, and one in June (just before NECC.) The September and February meetings are held all day Saturday and Sunday mornings, meaning for most of us, minimal time lost at work. Again, travel expenses are paid.
3. What are the job responsibilities?
In concrete terms, you must attend all the board meetings, participate in a monthly committee telephone conference or two, and do some NECC related stuff like vendor schmoozing, session introduction, and party/reception attendance.
Good board members go beyond this serving on task forces, advocating during meetings for their constituent groups, and providing a link to the Board and ISTE executives for the membership.
4. Is it only for K-12 educators?
Not at all. We have a number of college professors, state tech directors and business representatives too. Some categories have restrictions, but there are always “at large” positions.
5. Do you think I know enough? Everybody on the board is so intelligent! (Actual question.)
The MENSA test is definitely optional. (No offense to fellow board members.)
Good luck to all nominated!