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EdTech Update




Entries from December 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012


My school web feature wish list

One of our elementary school principals not long ago relayed this rather frightening but instructive tale. The parent of a prospective student said to him flat out, "There is not one thing on your website that would make me want to send my child to your school."

While my guess is that a lack of meaningful content was probably the primary reason for this comment, the technical aspects of our site may have also played a role in forming the message - or lack of message - as well.

For some reason it seems that school webhosting sites, from my limited experience, have developed and matured less rapidly that other online communication tools. GoogleApps gets some sort of new feature or new look about once a week. Our student information system undergoes yearly revisions and new features. Blog hosts, wikis, cloud-base storage/curation tools like DropBox, and social networking sites all make regular changes that improve both the appearance and functionality of their services. 

We've used the same webhost since the 2006-07 school year, and it has remained relatively unchanged. It did undergo a revision about a year ago that primarily added the ability to give individual pages static URLs and added an integrated wiki for teacher use. Not a lot of improvement compared to what we've come to expect from other online services.

So we are looking at what else is available - if there are services that have features worth the pain of migrating to a new webhost. We have a task force and we've developed a wish list for our webhosting service that includes:

  • Integration with or access to our other web-based activities, facilities, child care payments, registration services.
  • A means of updating the webmaster about what pages have not been modified or viewed after a certain period of time.  For example, if a page has not edited for more than two months, an email is sent to remind the webmaster to review that site.
  • Provision of applications specifically designed for site access by devices with smaller screens and touch screens including smartphones and tablets.
  • Integration with GoogleDocs, GoogleSites, and Moodle. For internal purposes, we will continue to grow the use of these powerful tool and use the website more for community communication.
  • Customizable page URLs, not just randomly assigned numbers. For rather than
  • A 404 page we can customize ourselves, with no cost.
  • A high degree of flexibility of graphic design
  • Ability to enforce some form of school identifier (logo for example) and/or layout continutiy on all pages for branding purposes

What features are we missing? What have you found useful? Whar's on your wishlist?

Do you have a webhosting solution you feel meets your needs? (I am asking school employees, not vendors, for input on this question - sorry.)

Inquiring minds want to know...

Image source


Too Much Information

Really? My friends on Facebook want to know when I purchase new underwear? 

Maybe tweeting this info is a better option.

Good grief.



Flashback to Red Lake and the Need for Community 

Tragedies like the one in Newton always bring one perspective. Complaints about a low bank balance, an aching knee, a child who is having problems with math, a noisy neighbor, a slow Internet connection, an argument with one's spouse - all shrink when placed beside the losses experienced last Friday by the relatives and friends of those whose lives were so abruptly taken. We hold our own children a little bit tighter, we look at them a little more closely hoping to memorize their faces, and we feel a guilty sense of relief that it was someone else who is suffering the loss.

Most of use feel compelled to take action. But what to do? Lobby for better gun laws, more mental health services, less violent video games, better school security? I am all about anything that will help, but these acts seem so distant, so impotent, so unsure. 

Seven years ago, Minnesota experienced a school shooting on the Red Lake Indian Reservation and these were my thoughts I shared in a column at the time about what all of us can do - now. I guess I am reposting them here because I need to re-read them.

The Need for Community

As I write this, Minnesotans are still in shock and mourning over the tragedy at the Red Lake School and its community. On March 21, 2005, sixteen year-old student Jeff Weise brought a gun to school and killed five students and two staff members and wounded seven more before killing himself. This was after he had earlier killed his grandfather and his grandfather’s companion in their home.

According to news reports, Jeff was considered an “outsider” in his closely knit, but impoverished community on the Red Lake reservation. He participated in online “communities” – ones that espoused violence and intolerance at and Ones made accessible via the Internet even in this remote northern Minnesota location.

One of my first questions was how much did Jeff’s access to the Internet contribute to his terrible decisions and actions? I am sure I am not the only parent, educator or community member who wondered if he not been able to express his violent thoughts and receive support from other like-minded individuals, would he have made the choices he did?

Establishing cause and effect in incidents like these will always be speculative, and there are plenty of places at which we can point accusative fingers. Jeff’s life had been horrific. He reportedly had been abused and neglected as a child. His father committed suicide and his mother lived in a nursing home after a serious car accident. Jeff was American Indian, one of the state’s (and nation’s) most impoverished and disenfranchised ethnic minorities. And of course, the “bad seed” theory always surfaces as well. Jeff did not leave a note explaining why he took the actions he did, leaving us only sadly speculating.

One factor might be that Jeff, like all kids, looked for and did not find a sense of community “on the res.” When he could not find like-minded, sympathetic, caring individuals around him physically, he looked elsewhere and found it online.

So what does this have to do with technology, libraries and schools? We can ask how and why was Jeff “allowed” to visit and interact with others on web hate sites? Do the dangers and risks of such groups outweigh the useful, productive resources available on the web? Who was monitoring Jeff’s Internet use? Were the adults in his life even aware such vicious places on the Internet exist? Important questions, to be sure, but to me, Jeff’s Internet use ought to be considered more symptomatic than causal.  

Most kids look for and find “communities” with values that are life affirming and socially responsible. Boy and Girl Scouts, 4-H clubs, church groups, and both formal and informal groups revolving around special interests such as bicycling, hunting, literature, or sports play a big role in most young people’s lives as they grow up. Schools provide opportunities for socialization through athletics, music, drama, newspapers, business or art clubs. In these groups, young people learn not just about personal interests, but also about one’s fellow students and mentors and why they are worth caring about. And they are where kids often find that others care about them as well.

In our efforts to improve our schools and reduce school expenditures, extra-curricular activities are often first on the chopping block. Politicians and taxpayers see music, arts and athletics as superfluous. The “basics” are reading, writing, math and other purely classroom pursuits. Guidance counselors, librarians, coaches and club sponsors are nice extras only tangentially related to the real purpose of school. Sigh…

How many of us as librarians or technology coordinators make a conscious effort to create “communities” for our own students, especially for those kids who do not seem to have much success with the traditional organizations? Do you have a “geek squad” in which members gain self-esteem by helping students and staff with technology problems? Do you have library volunteers who watch the circulation desk, help re-shelve materials and created displays? As a former member of the “projector sector” – students who assisted technology-challenged teachers set-up 16mm projectors in my high school, I personally recognize how important such a seemingly small thing helped me establish a sense of belonging and camaraderie in school. And it’s why I, as an educator, encourage all of us to enlist the aid of kids for whom football or band are not exactly their thing.

I am not so naïve to believe that there is a single cause of school violence or a single way to prevent it. But St. Paul Pioneer Press reporter David Hanners wrote, “In the online world where he felt most at home, Jeff Weise has gained more attention in death than he ever did in life.” We all crave attention. What small part can we as librarians and technologists do to make sure the Jeffs in our schools get that attention in positive ways? Are we helping create “communities” for everyone? You never know what one thing may make a difference.