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EdTech Update




Entries from December 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018


12 tips for getting students to hate technology

This generation of students, by nature it seems, loves technology. Too much perhaps. With faces in phones, they text, talk, research, read, game, photograph, and buy - having great fun in the process. Humph.

But of course all dedicated educators know that education should not be fun and allowing enjoyment of technology in school is antithetical to best practices. (I am positive there is a university study somewhere about this.) If it doesn't hurt, it probably isn't doing one much good in learning as in exercise..

Here then are a few tips for sucking the pleasure right out of those iPads and Chromebooks that your school may have issued to kids:

  1. Block all games (or try).
  2. Block all social media (or try).
  3. Install classroom control features that lock students into a single application.
  4. Block chat in all programs.
  5. Create complicated login procedures and demand complex passwords that need to changed often.
  6. Use "digital citizenship" lessons to scare the snot out of kids about predators and privacy instead of discussing common sense practices.
  7. Give lots and lots of online assessments - pre, post and during. No reading without a following quiz.
  8. Block all streaming media including YouTube, Netflix, and Pandora.
  9. Send reports to parents on a regular basis about students' browsing habits.
  10. Discourage using applications for creativity and problem-solving. Stress following instructions!
  11. Find ways to shame students who might damage their devices.
  12. Eliminate or restrict reading choices, online as well as off.

Come on, folks, let's get creative here! I brainstormed these in only a few short minutes. Add your most effective techniques for draining the joy from computing right out of school. Kids will realize in the future we were only doing it in their best interest.


Pause a moment

Pause for a moment...

  • Put some air in your tires
  • Check your map
  • Play a game that your kids play
  • Accept thanks for something without over analyzing
  • Read the funnies in the newspaper
  • Take a walk
  • Look at old pictures of your kids
  • Park in space farthest from the entrance
  • Stop at the DairyQueen
  • Plan your dream vacation
  • Give somebody else time to figure it out for themselves
  • Call your mom
  • Kiss your grandchild on the top of his head and find her a cookie
  • Wear your oldest sweatshirt
  • Have two glasses of wine instead of just one
  • Read an old-favorite book
  • Take out the earbuds and enjoy the birds
  • Catch your breath

It's that time of the year. Holidays. Kids in activities. Big projects. Community events. Must read books. End of semesters. Friends and relatives who need your help. 

Here's the thing. If you get to the big stuff five minutes later, it won't make any difference in the long run. 

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