Danielson's Framework and Tech: Domain 4

Charlotte Danielson in her book Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching organizes effective teaching practices into four domains each with several sub-domains. I've added below some possible areas regarding teacher technology use as it impacts and improves teacher performance in each area. (See Framework for Teaching - and Technology)
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 2: The Classroom Environment
Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities
- Reflecting on Teaching
- Maintaining Accurate Records
- Communicating with Families
- Participating in a Professional Community
- Growing and Developing Professionally
- Showing Professionalism
Technology-related competencies in this area.
- Teacher uses online grading and reporting system to maintain information on student completion rates and shares this information through student and parent portals in real time.
- Teacher uses online grading system to inform students and parents of upcoming assignments, projects and assessments.
- Teacher uses the district website to provide a wide range of current information to students and parents.
- Teacher uses online communication tools such as e-mail, blogging and social networking to keep students and parents informed on a regular basis. Teacher engagement with students and parents online is frequent and successful.
- Teacher uses collaborative online tools to communicate and work with colleagues.
- Teacher volunteers to share effective uses of technology at staff meetings and inservices; through professional writings and presentations; and through demonstrations to parent-teacher and community organizations.
- Teacher participates in both organized and personal learning opportunities online.
- Teacher honors and learns from students who have technology competencies and knowledge.
- Teacher keeps an open but critical mind about technology uses.
What's missing? What doesn't fit?