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EdTech Update




Entries from January 1, 2006 - January 31, 2006


Update on Mac spyware

Last Saturday, I mentioned seeing  a spyware remover for the Mac OS. I sent a  question about the need for such a program to the folks at the Spyware Daily blog. This is their reply.

Hi Mr. Johnson,


Thanks for reading. No, MacScan is absolutely not necessary software. The truth is, spyware is still such an infrequent irration for Mac users that a scanning tool isn't really necessary. The people who create spyware, adware and other Internet threats usually do so for financial gain. Thus, they target Windows-based computers, because over 90% of personal computers run Windows. Targeting Mac simply isn't economical right now.


There ARE a handful of spyware threats affecting Macs, but reports are scarce. MacScan will, however, detect some commercial applications that could be used as spyware -- like keyloggers and monitoring tools. These sorts of programs are often used to monitor children's Web usage or employee Web usage in large companies.


If Mac increases its market share and begins to take more ground from Microsoft, you might consider using an anti-spyware tool. For now, very few bugs are created to attack Mac. Just surf responsibly with Firefox or Safari and you should be fine.


Sacha Narine
Online Editor
ParetoLogic, Inc.
1827 Fort St.
Victoria, BC V8R 1J6


Whew. Now you know why I selfishly encourage everyone to buy PCs rather than Macs. A small market share for Apple  is a GOOD thing. 


One set of standards - please!

Check this chart.

 In reply to Tim Stahmer's Two Very Different Kinds of Literacy.

 Think of the power if the techs and librarians all got behind ONE set of AASL/ISTE standards!

What is keeping this from happening? 


Professional organizations and the NetGen

The Noah Principle: No more prizes for predicting rain. Prizes only for building arks. Louis Gerstner
The new Blue Skunk image in this post and blog header pretty much summarizes this week of blogging for me. I stuck out my tongue and now it is firmly attached to the frozen steel post. (If you are from warmer climes and don’t get the image, watch either Dumb and Dumber or A Christmas Story for enactments.)

Sunday’s entry on professional organizations lobbying for the inclusion of information/tech literacy skills in NCLB was, ahem, controversial for a variety of reasons, but one interesting conversation happened in the comments section. For the assertions I made that professional organizations spend too much effort lobbying for money and that their legislative efforts may not be of interest to the NetGen professionals entering the field, quoting a blog expressing deep dissatisfaction with ALA, I was taken to task by some people  I deeply respect and admire.

Diane Chen (the chair of AASL's legislative committee) wrote:
I have to take issue with the area of ALA/AASL's Legislation Committee. As chair of AASL Legislation Committee right now, I am attempting to reach out to every state through partnerships with Affiliates in Affiliate Assembly, the ALA Legislation Committee, NEA, FLANN, state coordinators for National Library Legislative Day, advocacy groups and many other educational organizations.
The issues we face go far beyond crying for more money. Much of the legislative agenda revolves around educating legislators and those who make the decisions so they are better informed on the value of school libraries. Building consensus, gathering information from all members, and forging messages and action plans with the AASL organization is just one of many task.
And added:
I was very disappointed with the blog entry by a library grad student. This blogger was upset with a policy on reimbursement for speakers and made a personal statement refusing to participate in the largest organization representing libraries. I don't find that point worthy of glorification or indicative of all bloggers.
Sara Johns, AASL presidential candidate,  followed up:
When AASL's and ALA's legislative priorities are just about money and not about kids, I will also tell ALA to take a short walk. But they aren't--and it does take involvement, not retreat, to make change happen, legistlatively and organizationally.
And added
So, I agree with your statement, Doug, when you say that paying dues gives you  the right to complain, but it also gives you the chance to have your voice heard by legislators and government agencies and school boards--and that voice is not alone. It gets really tiring to do our jobs alone without the support of library associations for progress, through lobbying and professional development and all the invisible-to-me activities of ALA and AASL
Dorothea, the (mistakenly described) grad student who I quoted added some additional thoughts and Mark Linder added support to Dorothea’s position. PLEASE go back and read the complete postings. They are compelling.

Well, Ollie, this is another fine mess you’ve got us in!

Some reflections:
  1. I obviously did not give ALA/AASL enough credit for their efforts in non-monetary lobbying efforts. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. Thank you, Diane and Sara, for pointing this out. My bad.
  2. But my follow-up question might be: Do ALA/AASL and ISTE do enough to let their members know how they are working legislatively on their members' behalf? In this morning’s AASL Hotlinks newsletter in the  LEGISLATION AND POLICY section, the only entry was a link to: ”Education technology suffers cuts in new federal budget” – an article from eSchool News. I feel I keep fairly well informed about national organization issues, reading KQ, American Libraries, L&L, newsletters, etc. But I still feel that I am woefully ignorant of the work these groups do. Advocay and lobbying may be the most important thing our professional organizations can be doing in many members' minds.
  3. Like it or not, our national organizations have a relevance and/or an image problem to a perhaps small, but very vocal portion of the profession. One of the qualities of the NetGen is their reliance and faith in vox populi as formed and expressed in the blogosphere. Jenny the Shifted Librarian, Dorothea, and Mark  speak for a growing, not shrinking, percent of practitioners. And from my own experience, the more time even we oldsters spend in the social web, the more we develop NetGen sensibilities. Yes, there have always been young rabblerousers in the profession. I like to think I was once one myself as a young educator – back when God’s dog was still a puppy. But at that time, the organization held all the communication strings. Not so today. The discontent have means of voicing their thoughts and opinions to lots and lots of other people. Have ALA and ISTE figgered this out yet? How do established organizations let their members know they are listening – assuming, of course, the organizations are willing to do so - using the latest mediums of communication?
So, enough predicting rain. Let’s build an ark.
  1. Today, the ISTE and ALA/AASL legislative committees should being creating blogs related to their efforts on behalf of their members. Perhaps every committee should have one. Certainly, Gorman needs one to explain his views ;-)
  2. Committee members should be assigned at least a half dozen popular blogs written by young librarians to read, monitor and reply to.
  3. I will stand by my initial recommendation. Our advocacy and lobbying efforts need to focus on students and patrons.

  • Poor: Advocate for dollars, technology and libraries.
  • Better: Advocate for students and library users.
  • Best: Advocate for standards and skills that will be critical to future student success (best taught by schools with good libraries and good technology that need money to happen).
Will this win our NetGenners over? Not alone, but it wouldn’t hurt.


In a private e-mail, Sara Johns writes:

 I have found over the years that I personally needed professional organizations to affirm that I was doing the right thing with my students, to keep me on track with the latest library trends, to give me the professional development that I needed, to provide collegiality,  to stay connected with my profession. Some of that is available now through blogs--but not all. I defend the not-perfect ALA because my years in the profession have shown me that, when there are library issues that really matter, only ALA really supports libraries. I am in a school library and, if I have a book challenge, I want the Intellectual Freedom office and its lawyers behind me and they take dues money to support.  If I call or write a legislator,  I get more respect when I start with:  "As an ALA member (NYLA in New York State), I'm interested in this issue."  I don't speak alone, my voice is joined with all of the other members and more members mean a louder voice.

Seems a crying shame that a generation of new professionals might know or take advantage of the benefits Sara outlines.

Your thoughts? 

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