Some Twits are more interesting than others

I have been trying to get in the spirit of Twitter again. Really. As readers know, I am slow in finding the value in this "tool."
It does seem that some people post more interesting Twits Tweets than others. These posts are from one of the candidates for the new office of CTO of the United States of American, Padmasree Warrior,* currently the CTO of Cisco:
Did Governor Palin just wink at me ?? I feel insulted.
Sitting next to Martha Stewart at dinner.
She says she loves my last name and wants to have it :)
Said no to Bridge w/ Warren Buffet.
Back in my room doing email.
My dad, a national Bridge champ in India, would be unhappy with my judgment.
My decorator & I talk at x-purposes;
He says "chartreuse" I say *green*,
he says "antique" I say "fake",
he says "shantung", I say "pardon?"
Maybe success in Twitter is all about following a higher class of Twits. No offense to any one I now follow.
I appreciated David Pogue's recent column about Twitter. In the post he talks about some "rules" he's found about the program. This is the most interesting:
I found one rule, though, that answered a long-standing question I had about Twitter: “Don’t tweet about what you’re doing right now.” Which is weird, since that’s precisely how the typing box at is labeled: “What are you doing?”
Think how much more valuable this resource may have been had the question in front of the box been:
- What are you reading?
- What are you thinking about?
- What has you stumped?
- What are you excited about?
- What do you know that others might find valuable?
Oh, I'd agree with Pogue's final assessment of Twitter:
I’m still dubious about Twitter’s prospects for becoming a tool for ordinary people (rather than early-adopter techie types).
Twittter's not something I think I could ever have convinced my dad to use. Or many teachers who are already time-starved.
*Coincidentally, this happens to be John Pederson's elf name in World of Warcraft. The image above probably bears no resemblance to either Ms Warrier or any of John's avatars. (Image from>