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Entries from January 1, 2009 - January 31, 2009


Rubric 11: Ethical Use Understanding

This a continuation of the 2008/09 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

Rubric 11: Ethical Use Understanding

X. Ethical use (1995)
Level 1 I am not aware of any ethical issues surrounding computer use.
Level 2 I know that some copyright restrictions apply to computer software.
Level 3 I clearly understand the difference between freeware, shareware, and commercial software and the fees involved in the use of each. I know the programs for which the district or my building holds a site license. I understand the school board policy on the use of copyrighted materials. I demonstrate ethical usage of all software and let my students know my personal stand on legal and moral issues involving technology. I know and enforce the school’s technology policies and guidelines, including its Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I have a personal philosophy I can articulate regarding the use of technology in education.
Level 4 I am aware of other controversial aspects of technology use including data privacy, equitable access, and free speech issues. I can speak to a variety of technology issues at my professional association meetings, to parent groups, and to the general community.

XI. Ethical use understanding (NETS VI. A, D, F.) (2002)

Level 1 I am not aware of any ethical issues surrounding computer use.

Level 2 I know that some copyright restrictions apply to computer software.

Level 3 I clearly understand the difference between freeware, shareware, and commercial software and the fees involved in the use of each. I know the programs for which the district or my building holds a site license. I understand the school board policy on the use of copyrighted materials. I demonstrate ethical usage of all software and let my students know my personal stand on legal, moral, and safety issues involving technology. I know and enforce the school’s technology policies and guidelines, including its Internet Acceptable Use Policy. I have a personal philosophy I can articulate regarding the use of technology in education.

Level 4 I am aware of other controversial aspects of technology use including data privacy, equitable access, and free speech issues. I can speak to a variety of technology issues at my professional association meetings, to parent groups, and to the general community.

XI. Safe and ethical use understanding (NETS ???) (2009)

Level 1 I am not aware of any ethical or safety issues surrounding computer use.

Level 2 I know that some copyright restrictions apply to computer software and I can advise students on some safety issues surrounding Interent use.

Level 3 I clearly understand the difference between freeware, shareware, open source, and commercial software and the fees and responsibilities involved in the use of each. I know the programs for which the district or my building holds a site license. I understand the school board policy on the use of copyrighted materials. I demonstrate ethical use usage of intellectual property all software and let my students know my personal stand on legal, moral, and safety issues involving technology. I know and enforce the school’s technology policies and guidelines, including its Internet Acceptable Use Policy. In each lesson I teach that involves technology, I address issues of safe and ethical behaviors online. I have a personal philosophy I can articulate regarding the use of technology in education.

Level 4 I am aware of other controversial aspects of technology use including data privacy, equitable access, and free speech issues. I understand and teach copyleft practices such as Creative Commons and ask that students license their own creative works. I can speak to a variety of technology issues at my professional association meetings, to parent groups, and to the general community.


Rubric 10: Student Assessment

This a continuation of the 2008/09 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

Rubric 10: Student Assessment

VI. Student Assessment (1995)
Level 1 I do not use the computer for student assessment.
Level 2 I understand that there are ways I can keep track of student progress using the computer. I keep some student produced materials on the computer, and write evaluations of student work and notes to parents with the word processor.
Level 3 I effectively use an electronic grade book to keep track of student data and/or I keep portfolios of student produced materials on the computer. I use the electronic data during parent/teacher conferences.
Level 4 I rely on the computer to keep track of outcomes and objectives individual students have mastered. I use that information in determining assignments, teaching strategies, and groupings.

X. Student Assessment (NETS IV. A.) (2002)

Level 1 I do not use the computer for student assessment.

Level 2 I understand that there are ways I can keep track of student progress using the computer. I keep some student produced materials on the computer, and write evaluations of student work and notes to parents with the word processor.

Level 3 I effectively use an electronic grade book to keep track of student data and/or I keep portfolios of student produced materials on the computer. I use the electronic data during parent/teacher conferences. I use the networked grading, attendance, report card/progress report, and discipline system provided by my district.

Level 4 I rely on the computer to keep track of outcomes and objectives individual students have mastered. I use that information in determining assignments, teaching strategies, and groupings.

X. Student Assessment (NETS ???) (2009)

Level 1 I do not use the computer for student assessment.

Level 2 I understand that there are ways I can keep track of student progress using the computer. I keep some student produced materials on the computer, and write evaluations of student work and notes to parents with the word processor. I use an electronic gradebook and electronically complete report cards/progress reports.

Level 3 I effectively use an electronic grade book to both keep track of student data and to give students and parents access to real-time information on assignments and outcomes of projects, tests and quizes via a student/parent portal. and/or I keep portfolios of student produced materials on the computer. I use the electronic data during parent/teacher conferences. I use the networked grading, attendance, report card/progress report, and discipline system provided by my district. I can access my district's data-mining program to find useful data about my students. I can use a rubric/checklist generator to create authentic assessment tools for formative assessment.

Level 4 I rely on the computer to keep track of outcomes and objectives individual students have mastered. I use that information in determining assignments, teaching strategies, and groupings. I have access and use the district curriculum management and common assessments systems.


Rubric 9: Network and Internet Use

This a continuation of the 2008/09 revision of the CODE77 rubrics - Basic level. An introduction is here.

Rubric 9: Network and Internet Use

IV. Network use (1995)
Level 1 I do not use the on-line resources available in my building, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.
Level 2 I understand that there is a large amount of information available to me as a teacher that can be accessed through networks, including the Internet. With the help of the media specialist, I can use the resources on the network in our building.
Level 3 I use the networks to access professional and personal information from a variety of sources including networked CD-ROM reference materials, on-line library catalogs, the ERIC database, and the World Wide Web. I have an email account that I use on a regular basis.
Level 4 Using telecommunications, I am an active participant in on-line discussions, can download files and programs from remote computers. I use telecommunications with my students.

IX. Network and Internet use (NETS I.A., I.B. V.A., V.D.) (2002)

Level 1 I do not use the on-line resources available in my building, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.

Level 2 I understand that there is a large amount of information available to me as a teacher that can be accessed through networks, including the Internet. With the help of the media specialist, I can use the resources on the network in our building.

Level 3 I use the networks to access professional and personal information from a variety of sources including networked CD-ROM reference materials, on-line library catalogs and periodical databases, and the World Wide Web. I have an e-mail account that I use on a regular basis to communicate with parents and other professionals. I use the district-specific networked resources that are available to me such as file storage space, student information, IEP forms, curriculum guides, and online forms. I have a strategy for analyzing the quality of information I find online. With the assistance of the media specialist, I can created a content-specific webquest.

Level 4 Using telecommunications, I am an active participant in on-line discussions, can download files and programs from remote computers. I use the network to share documents with my colleagues for collaborative review and editing. I accept student work sent to me electronically. I use telecommunications activities with my students.

IX. Network and Internet use (NETS ???) (2009)

Level 1 I do not use the on-line resources available in my building or on the Internet, nor can I identify any uses or features they might have which would benefit the way I work.

Level 2 I understand that there is a large amount of information available to me as a teacher that can be accessed through networks, including the Internet. With the help of the media specialist, I can use the resources on the network in our building. I use the online student information system to take attendance and record grades. I can do a simple search for information on the World Wide Web. I can send and receive e-mail.

Level 3 I use the networks to access professional and personal information from a variety of sources including networked CD-ROM reference materials, on-line library catalogs, periodical databases, and the World Wide Web. I have an use my e-mail account that I use on a regular basis to communicate with parents and other professionals. I use the district-specific networked resources that are available to me such as file storage space, student information, IEP forms, curriculum guides, and online forms. I have a strategy for analyzing the quality of information I find online. I maintain a professional website for my classroom that includes information of use to students and parents.

Level 4 Using telecommunications, I am an active participant in on-line discussions, can download files and programs from remote computers. I use the network to share documents with my colleagues for collaborative review and editing. I accept student work sent to me electronically. I read blogs and track them with RSS feeds and use a variety of social networking tools to create a personal learning network. I use telecommunications activities with my students.

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