A staff development roadmap

A long standing personal frustration has be my department's my inability to coordinate the efforts of our district technology and staff development departments' work. Both departments run good programs - but separate, even if somewhat parallel, efforts using separate funding, staffing and planning.
In an effort to help bring the work of the two departments together (and to bring the training efforts of our tech department more in alignment with our district's "strategic roadmap"), representatives from both departments have been meeting to first define the technology training needs of our teachers and then to organize them in a format that is consistent with the rest of the district's staff development efforts.
Below is a first stab at our brainstorming. My listing of brand names does not imply endorsement, only that that is what we use.)
Staff development needs in technology for teachers
- E-mail (GoogleApps for Education)
- Webpage creation (rSchoolToday, GoogleSites)
- Social networking (blogs, wikis, Facebook, Twitter)
- Student information system communication tools (Infinite Campus)
Personal productivity
- Word processing (GoogleApps for Education, Word)
- Presentations (GoogleApps for Education, PowerPoint)
- Instructional video creation and delivery (iMovie, YouTube, GoogleVideo)
Record keeping / Data analysis/ Data gathering
- Grade book (in Infinite Campus SIS)
- Assessment management (Mastery Manager)
- Data warehouse/mining (Viewpoint)
- Spreadsheet (GoogleApps for Education, Excel)
- Online survey tools (GoogleApps for Education)
- Career analysis tool (Naviance)
Instructional uses
- Interactive white board (Smartboard)
- Interactive response systems (Dedicated and cellphone enabled)
- Portable student-used/student-owned devices.
- Intervention resources (Compass Learning,IXL Math, Read 180/System 44, Read Unnaturally, V Math, Transmath)
- Classroom Management Systems (Moodle)
- GoogleApps for Education (with students)
- Classroom audio-enhancement systems (Calypso, Epson, others)
Teaching technology standards
- Skills specific to content area applications (GIS for social studies, graphing software for math)
- Online research skills
According to our staff development coordinator, "classroom engagement" will be a hot goal in upcoming efforts for improving classroom instruction. I am hoping that our buildings' "continuous improvement coaches" will work in collaboration with our librarians to assist classroom teachers using technology to "engage." Combining forces - it will be like the Justice League applied to staff development!
While I know the "best-laid schemes o' mice an' men, gang aft agley," at least a scheme is coming together.
I am pumped!