The horse is out of the barn: cell phones

Not long ago signs similar to this were not uncommon in Minnesota schools:
But yesterday I noticed two very different signs related to cell phones in high schools in two different districts:
Can we safely conclude that the cell phone battle between educators and kids is over - and that the kids won?
These educational technology resources, annoyances, and conditions are here to stay despite some educators denial, resistance and fast grip on the status quo. The sooner educators, especially tech directors and administrators, accept that these things are a permanent part of the educational landscape, the sooner attention will be paid to using them positively and productively.
Cell phones were number one on my list of these "horses that were out of the barn."
This week I ran across a great article in Wired, "Demonized Smartohones Are Just Our Latest Technological Scapegoat" that reminded me that new technologies (including writing and the printing press) have always been met with dread warnings of the damage they will cause to civilization as we know it.
Read any articles lately about how "technology addiction" is ruining the world?