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Entries from January 1, 2018 - January 31, 2018


When is it time to actually read the manual?

I participated in a Twitter Chat last Tuesday morning. Actually at 1AM on Tuesday morning. It was a follow-up to workshops I gave for the NearEast/SouthAsia organization in Bahrain last fall, a group of librarians and technology integrationists discussing how we could make our respective roles more complementary and collaborative. 

It was a good experience, despite the time zone adjustment I needed to make. The organizers were well prepared with questions and hashtags and a timeline that kept the "conversation" flowing.

Twitter Chats generally disturb my preferred linear communication process. Side conversations, late replies, shared links to interesting resources, and sometimes puzzling comments make me feel like I am in a room with everyone talking at once and I want to shout "Please raise your hand if you wish to speak." But then, I am admittedly old school.

One realization that I had as a result of the conversation is that I wish I knew how to use Twitter a lot better. I did not take a course or read a book on its use, but "learned by doing" in a sort of half-assed way.

For some reason, I've not seriously looked at learning any social media tool - Facebook or LinkedIn or Goodreads - in a formal way. I often tend to seek help after the fact as I did this week, reading a pretty good post called "Twitter Chats 101" and read the occasional article like "5 Facebook Privacy Setting You Should Check."

I am going to attempt to redeem myself and do a bit more formal study of LinkedIn. I've had a pretty much unused account for a long time, but as retirement approaches in a couple years, I may find the site useful in finding ways to make myself useful to others. So I am reading LinkedIn for Dummies. So far, so good.

There are, of course, both advantages and disadvantages to informal learning, but I wonder when it come to technology, we have not steered too far in the direction of learning on an as-needed basis - and we aren't always very good at recognizing our needs.

Maybe it is time to start reading the manual.



The virtual walker

As some of you might know, Minnesota can get cold in the wintertime (and fall and spring). Damn cold. Really, really damn cold. 

And as some faithful readers might know, I am a habitual walker for both my physical and mental health

When the temp stays below zero, I grit my teeth and walk the indoor track at the YMCA. So instead of a healthy map like this showing the route of my walk:

it looks like this:

which is also a good visual of my mind during the walk. While I enjoy the physical act of walking, listening to a little rock and roll via Spotify, and watching my fellow exercisers, I really much prefer being outdoors.

Maybe I'm ready for some virtual reality. Let's slip in some contact lenses, a small ear bud with microphone, and maybe sensor embedded clothes to change the way the track (or more likely treadmill) looks and feels. Ready?

Winston*: Doug, where are we walking today?

Doug: I am thinking a nice stroll along the Seine. Past Notre Dame?

Winston: I checked your blood sugar levels this morning. A bit more strenuous exercise is in order.

Doug: OK. Can you give me a preview of the hike I will be doing in Philmont with my grandson this summer?

Winston: Of course. Do you have a particular area of the ranch you would like to explore?

Doug: Let's do the supposedly haunted Urraca Mesa. Might be safer virtually.

Winston: I will program a level 7 hike for 50 minutes. Would you like ambient sounds?

Doug: Of course.

Winston: Would you like companions to visit with on the hike? As I remember, you gave explorer Sir Richard Burton high marks earlier this week.

Doug: No, I think I will just enjoy the solitude. Let's go!

I see that there is a form of VR already for cyclists. And perhaps there is for walkers as well and I just don't know about it.

Virtual and augmented reality hold great promise for education. I would remember a good deal more about Ancient Egypt has I actually watched the Great Pyramid being built and visited with the Pharaoh. I might have paid more attention in physics class if I was of a molecular size seeing chemicals bond. And might I have a clearer understanding of civics if I could participate in a state legislative session?

The weather is supposed to be nicer toward the end of this week. I will move back outside with my walking. I will use the time contemplating how to improve my virtual walking experience for the next cold snap/

* Winston is Dan Brown's AI character's name in Origin.



Image source



BFTP: A new life for non-fiction

This post is now 5-years old and references the Common Core, a much criticized approach to education. Somehow, like with most educational "reform" movements, schools and libraries pretty much keep on keeping on despite the Common Core. As I age, I learn the big scary things often don't amount to much. It's the small ones that blind side you that should keep you up at night.

As an elementary librarian back when God's dog was still a puppy, I divided the books I booktalked to students into three major groups: fiction, folklore, and non-fiction.

As a well-trained ALA library school graduate, I had my kiddie and YA literature down cold and had a wonderful time sharing classic novels, chapter books, and picture books since I loved most of them personally. My own passion for tall tales, myth, fables, fairytales, and legends made these resouces a natural in helping acquaint my ethically-diverse student populationi with other cultures. Hey, everybody in the world should know about Babe the Big Blue Ox and the Minnesota values he represents!

But talking up the non-fiction books in my library was probably the favorite thing I did. Yes, the "official" reason I pushed non-fiction was that I knew many boys liked reading factual materials more than fiction books and I wanted to make every one of my students a self-motivated reader. But the real reason was that there were just so many really cool non-fiction books to promote. Who could resist a title like Body Noises? How could a book be more fascinating than growing up on a river infested with crocodiles in Vietnam in The Land I Lost? After 25 years, my memory of specific titles is failing me (and my lesson plans were lost in a long-ago hard drive crash), but I do remember that I had NO trouble finding amazing non-fiction that was snapped up as readily as fiction by most kids. I just picked up If Stones Could Speak from the library, so it's heartening to know great nonfiction is still being written.

Reading the very good, concise summary of the controversy over the requirements of the Common Core standards in Sara Mosles commentary "What Should Children Read?",, November 22, 2012, stirred these memories. Mosles writes:

Depending on your point of view, the now contentious guidelines prescribe a healthy — or lethal — dose of nonfiction.

For example, the Common Core dictates that by fourth grade, public school students devote half of their reading time in class to historical documents, scientific tracts, maps and other “informational texts” — like recipes and train schedules. Per the guidelines, 70 percent of the 12th grade curriculum will consist of nonfiction titles. Alarmed English teachers worry we’re about to toss Shakespeare so students can study, in the words of one former educator, “memos, technical manuals and menus.”

So that's the nub - should education be about helping people navigate life - reading manuals and such - or about enriching one's life - vicariously exploring human nature with Anna Karenina, Macbeth, Tom Joad, and others. Oh, and having read these types of writing, then be able to compose them as well.

Now I have taken the math folks to task for wasting precious class time teaching "mathematical thinking" instead of pragmatic application of math skills. And I can make a similar argument that our reading and writing classes should spend less time developing "literary appreciation" and a lot more time developing real-world reading and writing abilities. We definitely need to move in the direction of the pragmatic in education.

But it one nice thing about quality nonfiction is that one can read for writing's substance and style. Unlike watered-down, boring and politically-neutered textbooks, library materials can be chosen for not just what information they contain, but for how effectively they get that message across. Wheter in print or e-formats, these wonderful materials cannot be replaced by Wikipedia, WorldBook or subject-specific databases.

Not long ago Joyce Valenza wrote:

The Common Core focuses heavily on reading and on many of the skills we [librarians] value and actively teach across media platforms: information literacy, working with primary sources, developing independent thinking, analyzing complex texts, communicating effectively.

The key points for English Language Arts cry out for library partnership, for the librarian to be embedded in school and district scope and sequence documents and plans, and it is likely that the content area standards to come will do the same. - Joyce Valenza, "CCSS and us", Neverending Search, April 22, 2012.

In the coming move to an emphasis on reading nonfiction materials, Joyce's observation could not be more accurate. 

Are you balancing your collections with both high-quality, interesting, popular fiction and nonfiction materials?

Original post November 30, 2012

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