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EdTech Update




Entries from July 1, 2007 - July 31, 2007


Relationship of monitor size to productivity

My secretary recently got a new iMac that has a 24" screen. I was very jealous.



On my desk is Samsung 24" 1920x1200 dpi external monitor for my old 12" PowerBook. It replaces the old, dim 19" monitor, I'd been using for the past few years. The staff now says that the monitor is the brightest thing in my office. Ha, ha.

But lIfe is good. The screen easily shows two full documents large enough I can actually read them without hunting for my glasses. This is especially nice as I migrate web content from the old <> site to the new < site> which I hope will be ready for prime time in a couple weeks. 

I'm sure my productivity will rise in direct proportion to the increase in screen diagonal measurements.

And they say size doesn't matter.


Attention Mark Grabe


Sorry I couldn't respond to the posting on your blog. Just wanted to let you know that I found Grand Forks a very nice place to visit. I enjoyed the friendliness of the people, the blondness of the women, and the flatness of the landscape. I'd go back and visit again.

My personal favorite MN marvel is the World's Largest Ball of Twine in Darwin. Now I know there is someplace in Kansas that claims this honor, but don't believe it.

Mankato's own Seven Wonders (off the top of my head) might include:

  1. The buffalo statue on the site of the largest mass execution in U.S. history.
  2. The Betsy-Tacy house of Maud Hart Lovelace fame.
  3. The Red Jacket Bridge and bike trail.
  4. The Bell Tower on the MSU Campus.
  5. OId Town - an historic district comprised of pawn shops, grain elevators, and tattoo parlors.
  6. The giant concrete flood walls that keep the Minnesota River out of sight and out of mind.
  7. The Blue Earth County Courthouse that barely escaped urban renewal. I don't remember the name of the statue on top of it, but it has one.

I think we used to have the world's largest six-shooter in North Mankato, but I haven't seen the sign lately.

I only wish we had smiling water towers and giant brassieres. And ND's sense of humor.

Take care,



Assuming adult responsibilities

The first time you are asked to act like a real adult can be pretty frightening. Being a ring-bearer is an awesome responsibility.


But it feels great when you bring it off - flawlessly!



 And it builds your confidence enough so you can hit on pretty girls at the reception.


Adult responsibilities - definitely a double edged sword, but something every child should be asked to assume, sooner better than later.

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