Fashion pointers

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.
Mark Twain
It must be something that kicks in with geezerdom, but I've been bothered a lot more lately by people who are badly dressed who should know better. I am not complaining about kids (now defined as anyone under 30). Their low-riding drawers are the fashion equivilant of my bell-bottom jeans of the 60s and 70s. One should accept that all young people are fashion idiots and that every generation should have embarassing photos from youth.
I am addressing the gwoen-up guys I see at conferences, at church services, well, just generally in public. These pointers cost little or nothing and would make my environment much more attractive:
- Wear a damn belt. It and your shoes should match. (The shoes should match each other as well as the belt.) Reversible belts are a heck of a deal.
- Buy your pants with a waist size big enough that you don't need to make the below or above the belly decision. Pants go across the belly.
- Your socks should match your pants, not your shoes.
- Don't wear brown shoes with black pants.
- The bottom of your tie should just cover your belt buckle. If it's too long you look like a pervert; too short you look like a car salesman.
- Don't let your tie's design be the most memorable thing about you.
- No hats indoors. Especially those with earflaps. A baseball cap being clean does not make it formal wear.
- If the color of a sports jacket doesn't occur in nature, leave it in the store.
- When in doubt, it's better to over dress than under dress for any occasion. You can always take off the ties and jacket too keep from looking too much like a stick.
- Ask your wife's opinion and then actually listen to it.
I only have one fashion tip for women (formulated after attending a wedding recently). If you are wearing a strapless dress, figure out some way (duct tape?) to feel secure in it instead of reaching under your arm pits and tugging it up every five minutes. You're breaking the hearts of all us dirty old men who are praying for gravity to win.
A fashion bonus tip (thanks M.A. Bell):