Supported collection size?

In response to my 13-point checklist for school administrators <>, Anne asks:
Under Collection size, you ask if there has been a baseline set for the size of the print collection. I'm having trouble finding guidelines for [the size of the print collection] . Can you please point me in the right direction?
Good one. I don't have a very good answer.
The ALA/AASL national standards have not included quantitative standards for many years, preferring terms such as "sufficient to meet the needs of the program." (I would be delighted to stand corrected if I am wrong.)
That means individual districts or states need to establish such benchmarks. In our district, the district library/technology committee established these "supported collection sizes" about 10-12 years ago:
- Secondary schools 500+ students: 12,000 volumes
- Elementary schools 500+ students: 10,000 volumes
- Elementary schools under 500 student: 8,000 volumes.
These are the "core" collections that we base our replacement budgets on, replacing 5% of each collection each year.
The Minnesota Educational Media Organization's Standards from 1999 state are quantitative using this rubric for minimum, basic and exemplary:
14.Do the collections and resources support the school curriculum? |
Materials are professionally selected using recognized review tools. There is a current* print collection of at least 10-15 print items per student, a selection of periodicals, and electronic research terminals for at least 25% of the largest class. Students have access to:
*Current is defined as the collection having an average age of not greater than 10 years, acknowledging that some areas will need more current materials and some areas will have older materials. |
There is a current print collection of at least 15-20 print items per student, electronic research terminals for at least 25%-50% of the largest class. Students have access to:
Resources are specifically chosen to support curricular needs. |
There is a current print collection of over 20 print items per student, electronic research terminals for over 50% of the largest class. Electronic research materials are available from all networked computers in the building. There is a written collection development policy that shows collaboration with other libraries and outside information agencies. Students have access to:
Of course things have changed dramatically since these standards were put in place back in 2000. Electronic resources, including e-books, have taken off, eliminating the need for certain kinds of print materials in many schools.
My only suggestion is that you check with your state for numbers and guidance, make a recommendation through your library advisory committee to your administration, and get budget deciders in agreement.
Life was easier with quantitative standards and they aren't as practical today as they once were. Still, it would be nice to have an authoritative voice provide some guidance.
Other suggestions for determining the size of your print collection?