Bike Northwoods: Day Three

Good biking day today, Only 51.6 miles, not the 60 as promised. 12 mph average speed. 4 hours 16 minutes riding time. Maximum speed 174 mph (I think there may have been a computer glitch.)
Great temps and clear skies. Lots of hills. Gotta love'm. My only problem was a flat tire about half way through the morning. I called the support truck since I am pretty inept at most things mechanical, although I had a spare tube and tools. No sooner had I called, when two women pulled up and flatly stated: We can change that tire before the truck gets here. And I happily watched while these two went to work and had me back on the road in about 10 minutes.
I've always said that if you want something done right, ask a woman to do it.
Some killer hills with signs at the bottom like this:
A church was selling pie. They just so happend to have rubarb custard just like my grandmother used to make.
The little town of Port Wing went all out - community band, spaghetti supper, folk music. Nice little historical museum here.
I found the boat I want at the Port Wing harbor.
We finally started biking along the south shore of Lake Superior.
Oh, Port Wing happens to be an absolute dead zone for cell service. No wonder everyone looks so content.
Tomorrow Bayfield - a short, but rolling 46 miles.