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Entries from July 1, 2013 - July 31, 2013


Is academic recycling plagiarism?

Handing in an assignment twice, even if you've done it yourself, is considered "plagiarism." In other words, handing in the same assignment for two different courses... - Vivian in a comment responding to "To Make it Google-proof, make it personal" blog post.

I was startled when a magazine editor rejected a column I had written. "It's plagiarized," was the simple reason. And she included a URL where the material could be found online. I went to that web address, and sure enough, there was much of the material from which my column was composed.

Of course, the website was my own. I was busted. I'd recycled something I had written before. Which according to Vivian (see above) and the editor constituted plagiarism.

I would beg to differ. At a basic level, most definitions of plagiarism stress someone else's work is involved. For example define plagiarism as: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own) include reference to another person's work). If one steals a physical object - a can of soup, say - one removes it from another owner. Moving one's own can of soup from one cupboard to another, just isn't theft. 

So let's call this intellectual property recycling, not plagiarism and ask if that practice is ethical.

If the teacher, editor, or other requester specifically states that one's writing needs to be completely original then re-using one's writing is wrong. But I'd argue that there are nuances here that makes recycling ethics a bit more complex. When I consider reusing something I've written before, I ask these kinds of questions - and it would benefit our students if we gave them practice asking them as well:

  1. Am I writing for a different audience? (I may have written about a topic for librarians, but am now writing with building principals in mind.)
  2. Is the focus of the topic different? (When I am writing about plagiarism, for example, the focus changes depending on whether it is an English teacher or a computer integration specialist for whom I am writing.)
  3. Has the topic been updated? (What I wrote about BYOD two years ago may be very different from what I would write about today since technologies, legal interpretations, levels of acceptance have all changed.)
  4. Is the purpose of my writing different? (Writing to persuade a librarian to adopt a new way of thinking about technology is different from writing to inform curriculum directors about what they should expect from their school librarians.)

A student who chooses a single topic (or more likely a blend of topics) for research that works both, for say, science and history assignments is not only ethical, but probably doing more intellectually challenging work by blending diverse subjects. (What was the science behind the atomic bomb and how did the bomb influence international politics?) 

And I would argue that the best research, the best writing, the best media production will come when students are allowed to write about genuine passions. If a kid loves horses, why should their K-12 portfolio not show an increasing level of skills and thoughtfulness of work - all about horses?

Academic recycling just might have its place in education.




Subject to visual interpretation

I was told the logo represents swimming, biking, and running.

I prefer to look at the icons representing a mad cyclist, having flattened one jogger, is hot on the heels of his next victim.

Subject, as are most things, to interpretation.


Teacher-Librarian reviews the Indispensable Librarian

From the June 2013 issue of Teacher-Librarian journal by David Loertscher and Elizabeth "Betty" Marcoux:

Johnson, Doug. The Indispensable Librarian: Surviving and Thriving in School Libraries in the Information Age, Second Edition. Linworth, 2013.

There isn't a more relevant book out on what is happening and can be happening in school libraries today. An update to Johnson's 1997 edition, this second edition embraces technology and clearly states that transformation isn't an option for school library programs today. It has practical strategies and solutions for many concerns teacher librarians have today in their programs, and it stealthily encourages teacher librarian professionals to not only be on the "bandwagon" of change, but also to lead it. Johnson explores a range of school library issues, from planning success, embracing and influencing curriculum, to sheer survival of the program. Not to be missed. Highly recommended.

Thank you David and Betty!