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EdTech Update




Entries from July 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022


A numeracy test

I like to brag.

  • I tell kids that I graduated in the upper 90% of my high school class.
  • I tell my elderly clients to whom I give rides that I bring back over 80% of my passengers alive.
  • I tell blog readers that I am among the top 5% of innumerate writers in the world.

It is sad how many folks fail to chuckle when they hear these statements. 

I’ve long ranted about the need for increased attention to numeracy - the ability to use, interpret and communicate mathematical information to solve real-world problems.*

A critical component of numeracy for me is the ability to put numbers in context. A somewhat recent example is when I visited a cardiologist who prescribed a medication that would have cost me about $600 a month for the rest of my life. Its purpose was to lower my chances of having a heart attack or stroke.

“By how much would it lower the chance?” I asked.

“By 50%,” she exclaimed.

“And what are my current chances of a heart attack or stroke?”

“About 2%,” she admitted.

“So I am paying $600 for the rest of my life to have my chance of a heart attack really lowered by 1%.”

I didn’t have the prescription filled. I’m still alive and kicking two years later and with $14,400 more in my health savings account for more important costs when needed.

I believe in data. I like statistically verified conclusions. But I always try to look at the context and put numbers in their place. 

Is it worth paying ten times the cost for two times the value?

Past rants:



Why I was successful as a tech director

In a recent Facebook post, David Warlick wrote:

Many years ago, during graduation season, before mass shootings, culture wars, and a pandemic filled the news, there were several stories about how tech firms were starting to hire liberal arts graduates over those with new technical degrees. 

 They found that it was easier to teach coding and other technical skills to English and history majors than it was to teach communication skills to techies. I talked with a number of school district directors of technology who said that their technical staff with humanities backgrounds were not only better communicators, but also more innovative in their problem solving and better at collaborating in teams.

An important part of being a successful scientist, mathematician or engineer, is knowing what’s worth studying, computing, or building.

When I tell strangers that I retired after serving 28 years as a school technology director, they often comment that I must know a lot about computers and the Internet and smartphones and such. Even more frightening, they may ask me to help with a technology problem they are currently having.

I quickly explain that I lasted in my technology leadership position for as long as I did, not because I knew a lot about tech, but because I could work well with people who did. Unless the problem can be solved by powering down and back up again, I’m not much help.

In a column I wrote for ASCD, now nearly 10 years old, I reflected on changes that were already occurring in my field:

Tech leadership skills are moving

  • From configuring networks and local servers to mediating contracts for cloud-based and contracted services.

  • From supervising technicians to evaluating outsourced work and setting up effective help-desk processes.

  • From writing technology plans to working interdepartmentally with curriculum, staff-development, public relations, assessment, and strategic-planning leaders.

  • From providing technology devices to staff and students to providing access to school network resources accessible with personal devices.

  • From writing policies that dictate behaviors and ban activities to writing guidelines and curriculums that encourage safe and responsible use.

  • From knowing about the how to understanding the why of a new technology in education.

  • From preserving the status quo to implementing new technology applications and best practices.

Each of the changes reinforces Warlick’s statement that communication skills are essential for technology workers. 

Some time ago, I read that IT departments are often underfunded because those who run them cannot convincingly communicate to upper management why such funding is necessary in terms they can understand. In the same column quoted above, I explained:

Even though I couldn't install a router if my life depended on it, I can describe in plain English things like routers, packet shapers, firewalls, deployment servers, thin clients, Active Directory, DaaS, WAPs, and a whole host of TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms)—what they are, what they do, why they are important, and what specs to think about when considering them. I read continually and broadly in many areas of technology. But I depend on my IT staff, especially my patient network manager, to teach me and help me make good collaborative decisions.

I guess my English degree paid off. Hire those humanities majors!


A day in the life of a retiree


This was my day last Thursday:

6:00am to 8:00am - Brushed teeth, dressed, made the bed, did a load of laundry, ate breakfast, loaded dishwasher, read two newspapers, solved the Jumbles, checked email, and read a few blog posts.

8:00am to 9:30 - Drove to a local park and hiked 3.5 miles of hilly trails. Drove home. (On alternate days I go to the local YMCA to work out, biking 4 miles to get there when time permits.)

9:30am to 12:00pm - Gave a ride to Charlie to the grocery store as a volunteer for Help At Your Door. Read a book while he shopped.

12:00pm to 2:00pm - Made and ate a sandwich for lunch. Took a short nap. Checked social media. Called a friend.

2:00pm to 4:30pm - Gave a ride to Lee to an orthopedic clinic as a HAYD volunteer. (Two rides in one day is not uncommon lately since the organization is short of volunteer drivers.) Read a book during his very long appointment.

4:30pm to 5:30pm - Another sandwich for quick supper. Unloaded dishwasher. Got my mail. 

5:30pm to 9:00pm - Participated in a 13 mile group bicycle ride with the Rovers outdoor club. A beer and socializing afterwards.

9:00pm to 9:45pm - Showered and read before turning off the light.

I once chuckled when retirees said that they were busier after retirement than before. But now I see it is possible (although I was also very busy before I retired.) Not included in my schedule last Thursday were my regular and board meetings for Rotary, grocery shopping for myself, little things like bill paying, making appointments, car maintenance, fixing meals for friends, house and garden keeping, and, oh yeah, writing. Some days do get rather long so I fill them by reading and watching movies. But I prefer busy to bored.

Pre-retirement planning usually focuses on financial preparedness. And while that is not a bad thing, one needs to have a purposeful plan for staying active as well. One cannot read or watch TV or browse the internet all day.

Friends, develop a plan before you retire. 


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