Here is my NECC Schedule, so far (per Dave Warlick's instructions in "What will you be drinking in Atlanta?") It doesn't include any sessions. I'll wait to choose until I get there and see what my other obligations might be. Remember that Peggy Milam has created a great list of sessions of interest to SLMSs.
My NECC schedule is always a little packed since as an ISTE Board member I have RESPONSIBILITIES (some of which I even honor!) Sucking up to big vendors, showing one's face at major events, schmoozing with powerful SIG and Affiliate leaders - you get the drift.
But getting to visit with my buds from around the world makes all the other stuff worthwhile. I am really looking forward to seeing you all! (And that was not sucking up.)
Thursday June 21, 2007
- Flight: Arrive 12:21 pm
- ISTE Board Meeting – 4 - 8 PM
- Board Networking Reception 8PM
Friday June 22, 2007
Saturday June 23, 2007
- EduBloggerCon 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. GWCC Room B308
- ISTE Affiliate Annual Meeting, 8-5, OMNI International D
- SIG Council Meeting at NECC 3 PM - 8 PM, Grand Ballroom E, Omni Hotel
- SIG 6:30-7:00: Dinner served
- SIG 7:00-8:00: Dessert reception
Sunday June 24, 2007
- Leadership Symposium 8-12
- Membership & Int’l Committee Meet & Luncheon 1pm -3:15pm
- Member Welcome 4:15pm- 5:15pm
- Opening Keynote 5:45-7:00pm Location: GWCC Murphy Ballroom
- Opening Reception & Member Networking 7pm – 9pm
- President’s Reception 9:00 to 11:00 p.m. at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Georgian Room.
Monday June 25, 2007
- Vendor visits - AM
- Preside: Classroom to Classroom, 12:30-1:30 B402
- Present: Classrooms and Libraries for the Net Generation 3:30pm–4:30pm
- ISTE reception room B405 in the convention center 4:45 to 6:00pm (virtual schooling)
- SIGMS Business Meeting 4:45-6:15
- Apple leadership reception 6-8 pm at the Omni Hotel
Tuesday June 26, 2007
- Education Leadership Team breakfast, 7:15
- MS SIGMS Forum: The Changing Landscape of 21st Century School Information Centers 10:30am–12:30pm
- Sessions PM
- School Library Journal dinner (evening)
Wednesday June 27, 2007
- Sessions AM
- Flight home: Depart 2:38 pm
Oh, Dave, I'm thinkin' that being in the South and all, a person ought to sipping Mint Juleps. You buy the first round?