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Entries from June 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007


Defending Wikipedia - it's our job

rant.jpgIn a recent posting to LM_Net, continuing a conversation about the advisability of the student use of Wikipedia, school librarian Jeff Hastings writes:

Let me make it clear, though, that I'm saying that the scope [of Wikipedia] in a k-12 environment can be highly distracting to students and downright hazardous to your professional life. Personally, I work in a district where a "values" group recently took actions to attempt to convict teachers and school officials for "distributing pornography to minors" based upon their use of the book "Freedom writer's diary" in High School accelerated English. And most of us have now read about the felony conviction of a hapless substitute teacher who unwittingly "allowed" students to see pornographic images.

In that sort of climate especially, Wikipedia's scope in areas like sexuality, vernacular, and pop-culture become problematic. Again, I'd hate to explain to an antagonistic group of fundamentalists how a student learned to perform fellatio by perusing an illustrated Wikipedia article while ostensibly doing a library research project--and there's no doubt that that scenario could happen in an instant. I think educators have to take a second to think about that.

OK, let's step back and think for a minute what might happen if we used the views of every "antagonistic group of fundamentalists" to dictate our school and library selection policy. You know it just ain't the naughty bits they're worried about.

What about this subversive material?

Current evolutionary theory holds that all species evolved from a single form of life which lived more than 3 1/2 billion years ago ... Although evolution is called a "theory," this term does not mean that evolutionary biology is guesswork or is not supported by evidence. In science, a theory is a set of ideas based on observations about nature that explains many related facts. The theory of evolution is supported by evidence from many scientific fields. When a theory is supported by so much evidence, it becomes accepted as a scientific fact. Almost all scientists consider the theory of evolution to be a scientific fact.

This radical information source? World Book Online. Jeff, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that you have parents who feel this violates their values and ought to be tossed from your library as well. I hope you got some big dumpsters!

My question is this: If we let the loudest, most politically and socially radical members of our communities frighten us into abandoning our selection principles, where does it stop?

And how do we get our technology folks to help us fight for intellectual freedom instead of unilaterally making fear-based decisions? Does any technology post-secondary program from which we draw candidates for these positions address selection policies. developmental needs of kids, or censorship issues? I doubt it. I get e-mails like this one from a Florida librarian way too often:

 In my school district, the technology department, in all its infinite wisdom,  blocks Wikipedia.  They did this without asking one media specialist his/her expert opinion. ... The media specialists met as a group and talked to the head tech guy, and his answer was, it had to be done in "real time."  Apparently there were too many students wondering how the human body works.  It seems to me that might be why we have one of the highest rates of pregnant teens.  I can't quite get them to see it my way.  And so it goes.

The fight is real and it is important.  And it requires courage and strategy. It requires an alliance between librarians and technologists.

There. It's good to let off a little steam. I guess I will need to change the blog entry category on this from "professionalism" to "rants"! 


Presenting in basic black

I'm only wearing black until they make something darker. - t-shirt slogan

Actually, it will be my presentations wearing basic black, not me.

I'm doing a lot of revising of my keynotes, breakout sessions, and workshops this summer, especially my PowerPoint slides. I have these major goals

  • To update all information (this is ongoing, anyway).
  • To use ever fewer words, and better, more meaningful images.
  • To strive for simplicity and clarity on all slides.

Steve Jobs has taught many of us that too many colors and too many words are unnecessary - even distracting - when getting one's point across. I don't remember a single set of bullet points in Al Gore's effective presentation of An Inconvenient Proof - he made his case visually. And how!

As I revise, I am just selecting a black background, using Arial as my standard font, and making sure each image says something - either as information or affect. (I can't bring myself to give up my HPLUKs and HPTechnologyUKs.)

See what you think... 

Old slide


New slide


 No more agonizing over what background color or font to use. Just the focus on the message. What a concept.

Maybe I can apply this to my wardrobe as well 


What should your portfolio include?

Portfolio.jpgFor my interview for my current job back in 1991, I drug with me an LCD panel, a Mac Classic, and an overhead projector  and used these to display a b&w HyperCard stack version of my resume.  I was Mr. Technology in the eyes of the interview team (or so I hoped).

I was reminded of this when Texas library Media/Technology Specialist extraordinaire Shonda Brisco sent this message to LM_Net, observing:

Perhaps the concept of "What IS inside a librarian's portfolio?" should be a question we all ask - and keep on hand for ANY type of presentation, whether for a job interview or a reminder of what we have been doing.

The first time I saw a real portfolio (not just an electronic resume) help get a person her job was when we interviewed Shelly. This is how I described her interview in the  column "Getting the Job You Deserve":

Portfolios sell. Shelly’s interview didn’t seem to be going particularly well. Like many folks, her nerves made her less than articulate. But then she pulled from her bag a three-ring binder. It held plastic-sleeved sheets of teaching materials, computer-generated artwork, samples of her former students’ work, and very best of all, wonderful photographs of her working with students in happy, productive settings. She didn’t have to say much. She had visible evidence of the exciting things she had done with students in her last job. And now she’s doing them for us. 

 Shonda's portfolio list includes:

  • copies of articles written would be useful to share
  • procedures manual or handbook that you've created for your library
  • photographs, videos, and copies of graphics used for instruction

A good start.

But I will repeat Shonda's questions: "What would YOUR librarian portfolio contain?  How would you showcase it?"

And any technologists or classroom teachers, chime in here. What's in your porfolio? 


P.S. Shonda sent a great list of additional portfolio resource to LM_Net. The archived message is here.