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EdTech Update




Entries from June 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010


Been doing this for a looooong time

During my file cabinet cleaning, I've been encountering some "archival" materials from earlier in my career.

A meeting announcement from a 1990 building library advisory committee meeting:

 and a 1991 technology department newsletter

Lucky for you I had a catastrophic harddrive crash in 1989 that caused the loss of all my Apple IIe documents or I'd be sharing communications from as far back as 1983 or so when I got my first computer and was in my first school library position.

I've been going over my talk for the Leadership Bootcamp in Denver this Saturday. Here's the official description:

"Developing a Shared Vision of Technology's Use in Schools."
The best technology plans and policies are ones developed by a wide range of stakeholders. Learn how collaborative planning and policy setting, getting touch with your “inner techie,” and establishing an effective advisory committee and communication's plan make good decisions related to technology implementations more likely.

Here's the real title: Ending the Range Wars: Collaborative Technology Planning and Decision-making

What's changed in 20 years?

Communication is electronic


 Planning is more collaborative, more transparent:


Ok, the tools have changed. The concepts are the same. Communicate, collaborate. Purposely.


Learning styles (from my file cabinet)

Completely inappropriate:



Mapquest vs. GoogleMaps


We may be lost, but we're making good time. Yogi Berra

Mapquest's suggested route from Mankato to Denver (12 hours 12 minutes 824.98 miles): 

Google Map's suggested route from Mankato to Denver (13 hours 20 mins - 809 miles):

I wonder why they are different? If I put in the starting point at my home, 20 miles northeast of Mankato, I get an entirely different route! Those mysterious algorithms.


The LWW are "road-tripping" it to ISTE, leaving tomorrow afternoon, breaking up the trip out somewhere in Nebraska.

I'm excited. Doing a couple things for the Leadership Bootcamp on Saturday and a breakout session on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to seeing lots of my peeps in Denver (despite their hidden secrets). Those ambitous library media specialists in the SIGMS look like they have another great program line up too.

Hope to steal away to the mountains and Red Rocks and a couple hikes when time permits.

This is a bit of a home coming for me. I graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley back in 1976. I got to know Denver and the region fairly well driving a laundry truck for a chain of nursing homes. Yes, dirty (adult) diapers, put me through college.

On the road again...