Getting the most from your tech dollar 10: Stuff without training is money wasted

Over the next few days, I'll be addressing some strategies school districts use to get the most from their technology dollars. See the full list here. Any budget stretching strategies you're willing to share?
10. Stuff without training is money wasted
How can you make the most powerful and expensive technology worth absolutely nothing? Drop it? Spill coffee on it? Let an eighth grader hack into it?
While those things do often work, a far more common and effective way to stress your educational budget and get nothing in return is to buy a new system, hardware or software and not provide sufficient (or any) training in its use.
The old rule of thumb for technology expenditures use to be: 1/3 hardward, 1/3 software, 1/3 training. I have never known a school district to come close. Technology training has three simple but important components. Every device, every application, ever system needs to come with instructions on:
- Why it is useful
- How to use it
- How to use it to support teaching and learning
If serious, formal training wiht teacher stipends, trainer salaries, and accountabiliy systems isn't a part of your technology budget, don't worry much about the rest of it. The shiny things won't get used well anyway.
Thus endeth the budget series. Aren't you glad? I am!