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EdTech Update




Entries from March 1, 2006 - March 31, 2006


Good signs

Our local university, Minnesota State, has these posters hung all over the place. I am encouraging our school district to adapt it. (The head of the Office of Student Affairs at MSU gives her blessing.) It's good to see an educational institution actually work to educate its students on online issues...


Large image.

 Steps your school is taking to inform students about the risks of too much online information?



ISTE Voting Instructions

A follow-up to an earlier posting...

Dear ISTE Member,

Welcome to the 2006 ISTE Board election! Online voting for open seats on the ISTE Board of Directors begins today, March 15, and lasts through April 14, 2006. Learn more at .

This election year with so much at stake, I really want to emphasize full participation by all ISTE members. I urge each and every one of you to review the candidate profiles and VOTE . Make your voice heard. Our goal is to at least double the number of votes in 2006.

Please take the time to participate in the life of your professional organization. Cast your ballot for the ISTE Board of Directors.


Kurt Steinhaus
ISTE President

PS: Remember that you'll need to login as a member to view the slate of candidates, read their statements, and vote. Voting is a privilege˜and a responsibility!˜of membership.


Gandhi's Seven Sins

A speaker at last evening's opening social event for the AASSA conference here in Santiago read Gandhi's Seven Deadly Sins to us.  (Her school prints them on a small card for all graduating 8th graders to carry.) If I had read them before, I'd forgotten. So in case you've forgotten too..

  • Wealth without Work

  • Pleasure without Conscience

  • Science without Humanity

  • Knowledge without Character

  • Politics without Principle

  • Commerce without Morality

  • Worship without Sacrifice