Policies 2.0 - Update 3

Thanks to everyone who tuned in yesterday afternoon. I had fun, but I've always said that the one doing all the talking is never bored. Anyway, I added the Think Before You Link poster below. And when the recording of this thing goes online, I'll add the link to that as well. Here is the link to the slideshow. And here is a link to the audio at Brian Grenier's Bump on the Blog.
The list below is the bibliography (webliography?) for my Discovery Education Webinar on March 21st. The article on which the presentation is based will be appearing in this summer's Threshold magazine. The links are in order they are mention in the talk, I am afraid.
Policies 2.0: Rules for the Social Web (teaser and resources)
In the fast-changing online world of social networking, where an embarrassing photo can travel the globe in seconds, online predators are the topic of nightly news programs, and young adults travel as avatars to virtual worlds where anything can happen, what policies do schools need to set and how do they set them?

Sites mentioned:
MySpace <www.myspace.com>
Pew Internet & American Life Project, Jan 2007 memo <www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_SNS_Data_Memo_Jan_2007.pdf>
Technocrati <technorati.com>
Wikipedia <www.wikipedia.org>
del.icio.us <del.icio.us>
Flickr <www.flickr.com>
YouTube <www.youtube.com>
Second Life <secondlife.com>
Teen Second Life <teen.secondlife.com>
The Horizon Report- 2007 <www.nmc.org/pdf/2007_Horizon_Report.pdf>.
ISD77 Acceptable Use Policy <www.isd77.k12.mn.us/district/isd77policies/524.pdf>
Larry Magid and Anne Collier (book) MySpace Unraveled: What it is and how to use it safely. (Peachpit, 2006)
Parry Aftab, Kids Online in Schools: Risk Management & the Law <kan-safe.info/>
The Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) <www.archive.org>
Andy Carvin, learning.now blog “DOPA Jr.” <www.pbs.org/teachers/learning.now/2007/01/lifting_the_hood_on_dopa_jr.html>
SchoolBoredom.com <www.schoolboredom.com>
“Tracking Theresa” and “Julie’s Journey” <www.netsmartz.org/resources/reallife.htm>
ISD77 resource list of websites for parents about safe Internet use <www.isd77.k12.mn.us/parents>
Gargoyles Loose in the Library blog <www.uni.uiuc.edu/library/blog/index.html>
Hennepin County Library in MySpace <www.myspace.com/hennepincountylibrary>
Wikibooks http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Main_Page
Virtual literary worlds <www.literaryworlds.wmich.edu/worldlist.htm>
Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture <www.digitallearning.macfound.org>
Tips on forming and running an advisory group at <www.doug-johnson.com/dougwri/advice.html>
Vicki Davis, Cool Cat Blog <coolcatteacher.blogspot.com/2007/02/including-classmate-with-leukemia.html>
Predators & cyberbullies: Reality check (BlogSafety)
Recommended websites about Internet safety for parents
Center for Safe and Responsible Internet Use <csriu.org>
Children's Partnership <www.childrenspartnership.org>
CyberBullying information <www.cyberbully.org>
CyberSmart <cybersmart.org>
Family Guide Book <www.familyguidebook.com>
Get Net Wise <www.getnetwise.org>
iKeepSafe.org <ikeepsafe.org/PRC/>
Internet Safety Advisor <internetsafetyadvisor.info>
McGruff Online Safety for Kids <www.mcgruff.org/advice/online_safety.php>
MediaWise <www.mediafamily.org/resources.shtml>
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children <www.ncmec.org>
NetLingo: Top 20 Internet Acroynms Every Parent Needs to Know < www.netlingo.com/top20teens.cfm>
NetSmartz <www.netsmartz.org/netparents.htm>
Play It Cyber Safe <www.playitcybersafe.com>
SafeKids.com <www.safekids.com>
SafeTeens.com <www.safeteens.com>
Safety Ed International <www.safetyed.org>
Wired Safety Website <www.wiredsafety.org/parent.html>
Readers, send in more resources!