Tax prep weekend

My mantra this weekend has been:
It's good to have income on which to pay taxes.
It's good to have income on which to pay taxes.
It's good to have income on which to pay taxes.
And it is. While preparing stuff for my tax preparer is a big pain in the patootie, I have always been thankful that I have a good job and a decent income. I am not real crazy about how many of my tax dollars are spent, but I've never grumbled that taxes are too high. Yes, I am one of those LIBERALS who believe that good schools, roads, fire and police protection, taking care of those who can't take care of themselves, etc. are more important than a bigger boat, a fancier vacation or leaving behind a vast inheritance (Sorry, kids).
What has struck me this year as I semble, sort and staple is just how many of my financial records have moved online. Via the Internet, I now get:
- My bank statements, including a record of all my electronic bill paying
- My mortgage information
- My W9 form from school
- My credit card statements
- My electric and gas bills
- My insurance information
I am not complaining - I LIKE this. (Although it doesn't feel very private.)
My goal for next year's tax prep day might be to be totally paperless. This would mean scanning beau coup receipts, I suppose, but it's doable.
Oh, and is there a portal similar to iGoogle for one's financial dealings?
First 1040 - 1913. 4 pages. According to Professor Perry's interesting post here.