Estonia by car

Since the museums were still closed on Tuesday, the LWW and I rented a little car and drove to Lahemaa National Park about 70 km from Tallinn. Stick shift, confusing maps, and snowy roads - vacations just don't get better than this!
Once of the major highway, we saw about six other cars all day, the roads narrowed and the trees grew close to either side of the road. The villages that popped up every 10 km or so seems sleepy.
The frigid coast of the Gulf of Finland was always close by.
Delighted to see a few thatch-roofed villages. Houses here tend to have names, not numbers.
This part of Estonia reminded me so much of northern MN. Does this look the North Shore of Lake Superior or what? I'd always wondered why my ancestors settled in the northern part of the U.S. Didn't they know it was a lot warmer a few hundred miles south? Well, I understand now they that found a "home away from home" in the snow.
I suspect I will always feel comfortable in a place that values earflaps as a fashion statement.