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Entries from March 1, 2012 - March 31, 2012


Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 11 & 12

Over the next few days, I will be updating my 2002 Rubrics for Restructuring. To see the originals and how they can be used read "Now that you know the basics."

 XI.     Use of online resources to supplement classroom learning and provide out of school learning opportunities (NETS 1 d, 2 a, b, 3 a)
Level 1     I do not provide online resource for students to use as part of their out of school learning. I expect my students to gain all skills and knowledge directly from classroom activities.
Level 2    I gather, evaluate and make available some learning sites that may supplement units studied in class.
Level 3    I use a variety of online resources, including my school's Content Management System (Moodle, D2L, GoogleSites) to reinforce and expand classroom activities. I create instruction materials, including video lessons for students to view outside the classroom. Students have a means of communicating with electronically when they have questions or need assistance. I know best practices for teaching online.
Level 4    I am modeling new instructional strategies such as blended instruction, hybrid classes, online classes or "flipped classrooms." I no longer use a print text book but create learning resources that are unique to my curriculm and teaching strategies.

XII.     Research and evaluation of technology use (NETS IV.B., V.B) (NETS 5 c)
Level 1     I have not attempted to determine whether the use of instructional technology has made a difference in my student’s learning or classroom climate.
Level 2    I gather, use, and share anecdotal information and observations about student use of technology in my classroom.
Level 3    I use action research and aggregated data to accurately determine whether the technology and methodology I am using has an impact on how well my students learn and on school climate. There is a measurable learning objective identifies before any technologies are adopted in my classroom 
Level 4    I participate in formal studies of the impact of technology on student learning conducted by my district, professional groups and academics. I have designed such studies as part of my own professional education. I report electronically and in print the findings of my research to other professionals.

Note. The last few years have seen a significant increase in online and hybrid classes as family access to the Internet has grown. Teacher know they need to provide access to additional resources that go beyond the textbook if they are to engage and extend student learning opportunities. CMSs can and are replacing the traditional textbook, providing information in a variety of formats and interactive means of engaging with materials. Hence the addition of Rubric XI.

Sadly, there is still too much ready, fire aim implementation of new technologies in school. (Gee, I have a classroom set of iPads - what can I do with them). My feeling is that it is unprofessional to acquire and begin to use any technology in the classroom without clear and measurable learning goals. The fascination with the new and shiny ought to be getting old.


Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 7 & 8

Over the next few days, I will be updating my 2002 Rubrics for Restructuring. To see the originals and how they can be used read "Now that you know the basics."

VII.     Individualization of instruction and educational program (NETS III.B., V.B., VI.B.) (NETS 2 b, c, d)
Level 1     I modify my curriculum or instructional methods only for students with identified special needs.
Level 2    I occasionally give students the choice of assignments in my class, but all class members (unless they are in special education) must meet in the same learning objectives within the same time frame. Skill remediation is done during summer school or informally during or after school. 
Level 3    With the assistance of the student, parents, and appropriate specialists, I create a learning plan for each of my students. I identify specific student needs and learning styles and track the accomplishment of learning goals in the plan using a computerized tool. I use this tool during parent conferences and for school or state reporting. I take advantage of online resources as well as print in finding materials at comprehension levels for a range of students in my classes. I allow students to move at their own pace whenever possible.
Level 4    I provide suggestions about the content and design of the individualized computerized planning and report tools. Results of formative assessments guide my instruction for individuals and small groups througout the school year.

VIII.     Fostering home-school communications (NETS V.D.) (NETS 3 b, c)
Level 1     I use the traditional methods of communication with my students’ homes: telephone, report cards, progress reports, parent-teacher conferences, and print school or classroom newsletters..
Level 2    I send e-mail to parents who request it in response to specific inquiries. I use my district or building’s generic parent/guardian mailing list to distribute messages of general interest.
Level 3    I maintain a parent/guardian mailing list to distribute information about happening in my classroom. I maintain a classroom webpage that has basic information about my classroom and curriculum including study guides, notification of upcoming evaluation, assessment criteria of projects, class expectations, and other information parents may find useful.
Level 4    I use a webpage or web interface the student information system parent portal  to my gradebook to provide real-time information to parents about individual student’s progress in my class in a regular and timely manner.  I formally work with parent organizations to teach parents how to access school information electronically. I use school-approved social networking tools to keep parents (and students) informed of class activities and news.

Note: Since 2002 egular "value-added" computerized testing such as NWEA's MAPS test have helped teachers determine specific competencies of students which allows them to be grouped more easily. There is still a missing link between the results of these test and automated placement of students in appropriate learning activities. 

Electronic communications to parents, and students themselves, is more the norm than the exception for many schools. Making parents partners in their children's success only happens with effective, regular communication.


Rubrics for Restructuring 2012 - 5 & 6

Over the next few days, I will be updating my 2002 Rubrics for Restructuring. To see the originals and how they can be used read "Now that you know the basics."

V.    Modification of instructional delivery (NETS II.A., III.D)  (NETS 1 a, 2 c)
Level 1     I have one or two effective methods of delivering content to my students. I do not use technology in ways that require that I change my instructional methodology.
Level 2    I have tried units or projects that are student-directed, use small, collaborative groups, or are highly individualized, but I primarily use teacher-directed, whole group instruction.
Level 3    I use a variety of instructional delivery methods and student grouping strategies routinely throughout the year. I can design activities and approaches that best fit both the learning objectives and the availability of the technology available to me, including individual student devices. I can use small groups working cooperatively or in rotation to take advantage of student to equipment ratios of greater than one to one. My whole group instruction includes using technology to increase attention and engagement including interactive white board use, student response systems, and web-based resources for student polling.
Level 4    I continuously try new approaches suggested by research or observation to discover the most effective means of using technology to engage my students and meet curricular goals. I work with a team of fellow teachers to create, modify and improve my practices in this area.

VI.     Assessment of student performance (NETS IV.A, IV.B, IV.C) (NETS 2 d)
Level 1     I evaluate my students using objective tests only.
Level 2    I evaluate some student performances or projects using subjective criteria. I save some student work for cumulative folders and parent conferences, and print some electronically produced student work.
Level 3    I use a wide range of assessments to evaluate student projects and performances. I can use technology to help create assessment tools like checklists, rubrics, and benchmarks that help the student assess his own performance and allow me to objectively determine the quality of student work. I ask students to keep both a physical and electronic portfolio of their work. I have a computerized means of aggregating performance data for my class that I use to modify and individualize my teaching activities and strategies. I actively work toward asking for and assessing authentic problem-solving and creativity in student work.
Level 4    I continuously try new approaches suggested by research or observation to discover the most effective means of using technology to help assess student learning. I work with a team of fellow teachers to create, modify, and improve my work in this area.

The influx of individual student device allows greater individualization of resources and instructional menthods. Yet standardized testing and a "teach to the test" mentality have slowed (or reversed) these areas for many teachers and districts, even as the call for "21st centry skills" seems to have grown louder. Sigh...