Revisiting Rubrics for Restructuring, 2002

Has it really been 10 years?
This set of rubrics was written to for teachers who already knew how to word-process. That wanted to do more than just do the traditional stuff but with something shiny. That want to make best practices even better.
Here is their intended purpose:
The rubrics below are designed to help teachers move to a second (and final?) level of professional computer use. Rather than the computer simply being a tool which allows a common task to be done more efficiently, these skills fundamentally change how instruction is delivered, how student performance is measured, and how teachers view themselves as professionals. The technology is used to actually restructure the educational process to allow it to do things it has never been able to do before. These include using technology to assure:
- all students master the basic skills of writing, reading and computation
- all students practice authentic information literacy and research skills, and the higher order thinking skills inherent in them
- all students have access to top quality resources, including human resources, regardless of location
- all teachers can use technology to provide students and parents
- individual education plans
- continuous feedback on how well students are meeting their learning goals
- opportunities for virtual student performance assessments
- all teachers have the tools and ability:
- to locate the research findings that will guide their use of technology
- to collect the data that measures the effectiveness of their practices.
These have been written to guide teachers as they write and complete Professional Growth Plans rather than as frameworks for classes. See examples here (at the very end of the article).
Self-Evaluation Rubrics for Advanced Teacher Computer Use: Rubrics for Restructuring (2002)
I. Instructional software use (NETS III. A, III.D)
Level 1 I do not use instructional software as a part of my instructional program, nor am I aware of any titles that might help my students meet their learning goals.
Level 2 I use a few computer programs as an instructional supplement, as a reward, or with special needs children.
Level 3 I use several programs (drill and practice, simulations, tutorials, etc.) chosen by my department or grade level to help all my students meet specific, identified learning objectives. The software allows me teach and/or reinforce concepts more effectively than traditional methods. When it is available, I use the software’s management system to help assess individual student performance. I use the school’s integrated learning system in a purposeful way and help assess its overall effectiveness.
Level 4 I seek out new programs for evaluation and adoption. I know sources of software reviews and keep current on developments in computer technologies through professional reading and conference attendance. I share my findings with other professionals.
II. Using technology to improve student writing (NETS II.B.)
Level 1 I am not familiar any technologies that would allow me to help my students improve their writing skills.
Level 2 I ask that the final draft of some student writing assignments be word-processed. I do not expect or encourage my students to compose or edit using the computer.
Level 3 I help students use the computer in all phases of the writing process from brainstorming to editing to publishing. This may included the use of idea generators, graphic organizers, portable writing computers, outlining tools, spelling and grammar checkers, desktop publishing tools, and webpage generators. I use technology to help students share their work for a wide reading audience. I can find and use best practices data on improving writing with technology.
Level 4 I store portfolios of my students’ work electronically. I share successful units with others through print and electronic publishing and through conference presentations and workshops. I look for specific technology tools for helping my students improve their writing skills.
III. Information literacy skills using secondary sources (NETS III.A, II.C.)
Level 1 I am not familiar with the term information literacy, nor do I know why such skills are important.
Level 2 As a part of my curriculum I have library research projects, and I support the library skills taught by the media specialist. I am aware that there are electronic resources available to my students.
Level 3 My curriculum includes at least two information literacy projects, team-taught with the media specialist. I understand the Big6 or a similar information literacy process and design student projects that require higher level thinking skills, use and cite electronic information sources, require the use of computer productivity software, and are authentically assessed. I ask students to use technology to help them share the results of their research with others. I reinforce information literacy skills on a daily basis as opportunities arise.
Level 4 I am actively involved in curriculum planning teams and advocate for multidisciplinary units and activities that require information literacy skills. I share successful units with others through print and electronic publishing and through conference presentations and workshops.
IV. Information literacy skills - primary sources (NETS III.A, II.C.)
Level 1 When asking students to do research, I expect them to only use secondary resources like books, magazines, or reference materials.
Level 2 As a part of my curriculum, I have some units which require the collection and use of original data. I generally can predict the outcome of such experiments.
Level 3 My curriculum includes at least two information literacy projects that require the collection of original data to answer a genuine question. I may use tools to collect data like computerized probes and sensors, online surveys, interviews, or digitized sources of historical records, as well as tools to record, organize, and communicate the data such as databases and spreadsheets. I ask students to use technology to help them share the results of their research with others.
Level 4 I am actively involved in curriculum planning teams and advocate for multidisciplinary units and activities that require information literacy skills. I share successful units with others through print and electronic publishing and through conference presentations and workshops.
V. Modification of instructional delivery (NETS II.A., III.D)
Level 1 I have one or two effective methods of delivering content to my students. I do not use technology that requires that I change my instructional methodology.
Level 2 I have tried units or projects that are student-directed, use small groups, or are highly individualized, but I primarily use teacher-directed, whole group instruction.
Level 3 I use a variety of instructional delivery methods and student grouping strategies routinely throughout the year. I can design activities and approaches that best fit both the learning objectives and the availability of the technology available to me. I can use small groups working cooperatively or in rotation to take advantage of student to equipment ratios of greater than one to one.
Level 4 I continuously try new approaches suggested by research or observation to discover the most effective means of using technology to engage my students and meet curricular goals. I work with a team of fellow teachers to create, modify and improve my practices in this area.
VI. Assessment of student performance (NETS IV.A, IV.B, IV.C)
Level 1 I evaluate my students using objective tests only.
Level 2 I evaluate some student performances or projects using subjective criteria. I save some student work for cumulative folders and parent conferences, and print some electronically produced student work.
Level 3 I use a wide range of assessments to evaluate student projects and performances. I can use technology to help create assessment tools like checklists, rubrics, and benchmarks that help the student assess his own performance and allow me to objectively determine the quality of student work. I ask students to keep both a physical and electronic portfolio of their work. I have a computerized means of aggregating performance data for my class that I use to modify my teaching activities and strategies.
Level 4 I continuously try new approaches suggested by research or observation to discover the most effective means of using technology to help assess student learning. I work with a team of fellow teachers to create, modify, and improve my work in this area.
VII. Individualization of instruction and educational program (NETS III.B., V.B., VI.B.)
Level 1 I modify my curriculum or instructional methods only for students with identified special needs.
Level 2 I occasionally give students the choice of assignments in my class, but all class members (unless they are in special education) must meet in the same learning objectives within the same time frame. Skill remediation is done during summer school or informally during or after school.
Level 3 With the assistance of the student, parents, and appropriate specialists, I create a learning plan for each of my students. I track the accomplishment of learning goals in the plan using a computerized tool. I use this tool during parent conferences and for school or state reporting.
Level 4 I provide suggestions about the content and design of the individualized computerized planning and report tools.
VIII. Fostering home-school communications (NETS V.D.)
Level 1 I use the traditional methods of communication with my students’ homes: telephone, report cards, progress reports and print school or classroom newsletters..
Level 2 I send email to parents who request it in response to specific inquiries. I use my district or building’s generic parent/guardian mailing list to distribute messages of general interest.
Level 3 I maintain a parent/guardian mailing list to distribute information about happening in my classroom. I maintain a classroom webpage that has basic information about my classroom and curriculum including study guides, notification of upcoming evaluation, assessment criteria of projects, class expectations, and other information parents may find useful.
Level 4 I use a webpage or web interface to my gradebook to provide real-time information to parents about individual student’s progress in my class. I formally work with parent organizations to teach parents how to access school information electronically.
IX. Assistive and adaptive technologies (NETS V.B., VI.C., VI.E)
Level 1 I am not aware of how technology can help students with learning problems or with physical or mental limitations.
Level 2 I work with students who may bring with them special devices that allow them to work and communicate in the classroom. I allow some students to use electronic aides to help overcome special learning problems.
Level 3 I use technology when appropriate to help students with special learning needs. These may include detailed individualized education plans, specialized communications devices, or other compensatory devices.
Level 4 I provide professional growth opportunities for other teachers in the use of assistive and adaptive technologies.
X. Professional growth and communication (NETS V.A., V.B, V.D)
Level 1 I do not use electronic resources for professional growth or communication.
Level 2 I can find lesson plans and some research in online data bases. I correspond with parents and other teachers using email.
Level 3 I use the Internet and other online resources to obtain research, teaching materials and information related to the content of my classes. I read electronic newsletters and journals to keep current on educational practices. I participate in electronic discussion groups and chat rooms that are related to my area of education. I use a computerized presentation program when giving workshops or speaking at conferences. I take part in distance learning opportunities using technology.
Level 4 I organize professional growth opportunities for other teachers and feel comfortable teaching other staff members about the use of technology.
XI. Research and evaluation of technology use (NETS IV.B., V.B)
Level 1 I have not attempted to determine whether the use of instructional technology has made a difference in my student’s learning or classroom climate.
Level 2 I gather, use, and share anecdotal information and observations about student use of technology in my classroom.
Level 3 I use action research and aggregated data to accurately determine whether the technology and methodology I am using has an impact on how well my students learn and on school climate.
Level 4 I participate in formal studies of the impact of technology on student learning conducted by professional groups and academics. I have designed such studies as part of my own professional education. I report electronically and in print the findings of my research to other professionals.
Over the next few days, I'll be looking at each of these rubrics and considering if it should be retained, if it needs to be revised, and if new rubrics are needed.
Your comments, as always, are greatly welcome and useful.