The 6 technology skills expected of all incoming freshmen - all

On my way to Beijing. 8.5 inches of snow last night. Keeping my fingers crossed the flights go. Getting a little work done while in the boarding area...
Minneapolis Airport, March 5, 2013 6:30AM
GoogleDoc containg all 6 IT skills that should be expected of all incoming high school freshmen and accessed at the link below. (You should not need additional permission to access.) Under CreativeCommons license so use and share. Comments are welcome:
This was the purpose of the performance assessments, first written in 2005, and just updated:
What IT Skills Should Teachers Expect of Incoming HS Freshmen? (revised)
Doug Johnson
March 2013
At a district curriculum council meeting in 2005 we discussed how we might be able to determine the level of technology proficiency of our incoming 9th graders. While we have a fairly good handle on what we teach all students grades K- 6 through our library media program, we still find a large disparity among students as they enter high school. Much of the difference can be attributed to the varying levels of teacher enthusiasm for reinforcing skills in the classroom and, of course, levels of home access.
A paper and pencil test on ICT skills seems shallow. A full-blown performance assessment would be a huge time commitment. A self-assessment rubric would be unreliable.
There are some online “performance tests.” ETS is designed one for college students. But I have seen little work done on how we accurately measure the skills of incoming high school students.
Here is my very modest proposal: we pick the top “ICT skills” that classroom teachers should be able to expect of all students and design short, authentic tasks that can be easily assessed. If each core classroom teacher gives and evaluates one skill at the beginning of the freshman year, a profile of every student can be compiled and remediation can be provided through classes taught by the librarian.
It’s been awhile since I’ve been a classroom teacher, but I will start the conversation by suggesting that these tools and skills are essential for all students if they are to be able to do basic work assigned by classroom teachers.
- Word processing
- Spreadsheet use and graphing
- Multimedia presentation software and digital image handling
- Online communications
- Internet-enabled research
- Managing one's online presence (new 2013)