Entrepreneurship as a creative ability

I swore at the time I wrote the column that I would never write on the topic again since the word entrepreneur and all words derived from it are just too damn hard to spell. But then I realized that entrepreneurship really needs to be added to my list of creative abilities.
In my definition, entrepreneurs look for unfilled needs and opportunities within an organization or within society - and find ways to fill them. They are self-motivated and often mission driven. Here is what I suggested in the column linked above:
... increasingly, the concepts of entrepreneurship are being used by individuals within traditional schools trying new educational approaches - ones that will keep them from becoming obsolete. For librarians, I’d define entrepreneurship as actively searching for unfilled needs in a school and helping meet them, adding value to one’s position in the organization.
Increasingly, all jobs require self-motivation, self-assessment, and creativity, so yes, entrepreneurship seems like an ability to encourage. Entrepreneurs need courage, tenacity, innovation, and empathy.
I am still exploring why people become self-motivated and are able to create their own vocations. But I am guessing it won't be because they read the textbook from cover to cover.
Image source: www.lifewithoutpants.com