Is sentimentality killing libraries?

In Oak Park, Illinois, when I was in high school, I went to the library two or three times a week, though in my classes I was a middling student. Even in wintertime, I’d walk the dozen blocks to the library, often in rain or snow, carrying a load of books and records to return, trembling with excitement and anticipation at all the tantalizing books that awaited me there. The kindness of the librarians, who, of course, all knew me well, was also an inducement. They were happy to see me read so many books, though I’m sure they must have wondered in private about my vast and mystifying range of interests. Charles Simic, A Country Without Libraries, NYT Book Review, May 18, 2011.
The learning commons, sometimes called an “information commons,” has evolved from a combination library and computer lab into a full-service learning, research, and project space. The modern commons is a meeting place, typically offering at least one area where students can rearrange furniture to accommodate impromptu planning sessions or secure a quiet place to work near a window. In response to course assignments, which have taken a creative and often collaborative turn in the past two decades, the learning commons provides areas for group meetings, tools to support creative efforts, and on-staff specialists to provide help as needed. And yet the successful learning commons does not depend solely upon adaptable space configuration or the latest technological gear. Its strength lies in the relationships it supports, whether these are student-to-student, student-to-faculty, student-to-staff, student-to-equipment, or student-to-information. Effective learning commons are alive with the voices of students working together, establishing the kinds of connections that promote active, engaged learning. 7 Things You Should Know About the Modern Learning Commons, Educause, April 2011.
Both these writings came my way today. Both address the need for libraries.
And they could not be more different.
Simac's elegiac reminiscence, while moving, will do nothing to help libraries. Relying on sentimentality to save the profession will be a fatal error.
Educause's straight-forward prose offers a pragmatic, even likely, view of tomorrow's library. As a profession, if we strive to created models such as the learning commons, libraries and librarians will evolve, endure and even thrive.
The warm bath of memories of the libraries of our past (we all have them) is soothing; the different and difficult world of of our children's future is stressful.
But I'm going for stressed - and relevant.