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EdTech Update




Entries from May 1, 2014 - May 31, 2014


Where's Waldo?: Library article for administrators

May's online Educational Leadership issue includes the article “Where’s Waldo? Finding a PD Partner.” Written by library leaders Kathryn Lewis and David Loertscher, it focuses on what school librarians can contribute to co-teaching in a variety of circumstances, including online instruction.

OK, folks, we fuss about librarians only writing for other librarians. Here's a great example of purposefully working to inform educational leaders outside our field. Forward the link to your principal and set up a conference with him/her to discuss it.

It's how we will survive as a profession - one good librarian and one informed administrator at a time. 





My May Education Leadership column: 10 1:1 Questions

My Power-up column in ASCD's Educational Leadership, Your 1:1 Program: Can you answer these 10 questions? is now online.

Links to all my Educational Leadership columns can be found here.

Your comments are welcome.

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