A follow-up to the fading conferences post...

I received over 20 interesting comments explaining why librarians don't attend their state conferences in response to my post "Library Conferences: Fading Away" from last week. (My apologies for not sending individual responses back.)
Here are some of the major reasons:
- Not allowed to attend by administration
- Not a member of a state library association
- Too few offerings of relevance (multi-type library conferences make school librarians feel unwelcome)
- Personal expense too great when schools won't/can't pay (5)
- Librarians serving multiple buildings would be out of a building too long
- Commitments in buildings/district - emergencies
- Participating in more webinars, online conferences, blog reading - PLNs satisfy needs
- New to building
- Conferences are "old fashioned" - 20th century
- Multiple conferences means being selective, and the local library conference is not always the best fit
Yet scattered among the reasons for non-attendance were some heart-felt endorsements of this long-standing means of providing training, communications, collegiality and inspiration.
Are traditional state library conferences going the way of the eight-track tape? I'd suggest that school library associations ask themselves some important questions about their conferences...
- Should school library organizations partner on conferences with other groups like reading, technology or public library organizations? (Technology organizations have been partnering with administrate organizations to their mutual benefit.) See Cathy Jo Nelson's comments about why inter-state conferencing is difficult. One thing I've always liked about ISTE is that "techies" mingle with teachers, administrators, librarians, - all kinds of educators. It's a richer stew of ideas than single field conferences.
- Is the conference content relevant, pertinent, the "right" topic? Literature, technology, information literacy - each appeal to some members. Perhaps the question should be if there is a good program balance.
- Do we control the cost as much as possible? Do we need desserts at every meal? Will one paid keynoter do instead of two? Are there less expensive venues for conferences? With so many attendees paying their own way, how can planners reduce expenses? On a related note, one can have very successful small conferences if one plans with that in mind. Groups of 80-120 have wonderful experiences.
- Are we giving members tools for obtaining funding to attend?* Every district has SOME staff development money. The trick is knowing how to ask for it.
- Are we asking the membership about their needs and planning conferences around those needs? Conference evaluation sessions are more important than ever, but we should also be asking those folks who don't attend about how we can help them as well.
- Do we need hybrid conferences, much like we are now offering hybrid classrooms, combining F2F sessions with online opportunities? Our national technology and library associations are pioneering these efforts. Can state associations provide online involvement for those who can't physically be there?
- Are associations raising revenues by other means? My sense is that state associations can't count on the cash cow of conferences as much as they once did. So, either associations cut costs - buying less lobbying, sending few print publications, relying more on volunteers and less on paid positions, etc. - or raise dues, charge for online learning experiences, or sell publications. Or merge with other small groups.
Count me the camp of those who love F2F conferences**. I hope they are around for a long. long time. But like the profession itself, they will need to change - or die.
* Johnson's Secret Strategy for Obtaining Conference Funding: Don't ask to go to "a conference" - ask to go to specific conference sessions that relate to your school's goals. Get the conference program ahead of time. Oh, and then report back about the conference after attending. Is your organization producing a list of conference sessions well before the event is held?
** Full disclosure - I supplement my income by speaking at conferences so I am not 100% objective in this regard. But I DO love going to conferences even when I am not speaking or being remunerated!