Ending the range wars - redeux

We want to bring library and IT people together so each gets a better understanding of the current philosophy and best practice in each others' roles. Some of the challenges we're dealing with are overlap in roles, questions in chain of command, allocation of resources and budget, and level of influence in the educational program of the school. We'd like those participants who come from the same school to work together to develop clarity and a common plan . Those librarians and tech people who come individually can develop proposals they can take back to their school.
That is my charge from an organization of international schools wanting a workshop about this time next year. The dilemmas posed by two positions in a school with possibly overlapping responsibilities and probably differing priorities is one which I have been struggling for nearly 30 years. And as you, dear readers know, when I wrestle with an issue, I usually do it out loud in my blog or in my published writings.
So here is a short bibliography of writings about the relationship between librarians and technologists:
- Advisory AdviceTechnology Connection, October 1997
- Best practices for meeting CIPA requirements (what should be filtered on your school's network?) EdTech Magazine, Q4 2005
- Defining the PD Roles of the librarian and tech specialist. Blue Skunk Blog, January 27, 2014.
- The DJ Factor. Technology Connection, February 1996.
- Proactivity and reflection: Tools to improve collaborative experiences. Minnesota Media, 2004
- A good policy for good policies. School Library Journal, March 2003
- Keep your techs by keeping them happySchool Library Journal, 2000
- Librarians are from Venus; Technologists are from Mars. Technology Connection, May 1998
- The librarian as technologist - what's our role? Library Media Connection, Nov-Dec, 2014
- The librarian: Your technology partner. Education World, March 2006.
- Preventing Technology Range Wars. The School Administrator, 2005
- Problem or dilemma?Blue Skunk Blog, November 13, 2007
- Standards 2.0. Blue Skunk Blog, November 18, 2005
- Who should be running your technology department?Knowledge Quest, Volume 28, no, 5
I sense that both the roles of both the librarian and the technology specialist are changing, evolving and will be for sometime. This workshop will need to be about making good decision, managing change, planning and collaboration, dealing with conflict ...
I hope to learn a lot.