Who gives a Tweet? Not me anymore.

I have long had my reservations about Twitter. See:
- Twying again, June 2009
- I killed my Twitter account, August 2009
- 10 useful Twitter alerts, July 2013
- Poster Power on Twitter, April 2014
- The 140 character discussion, June 2013
- Discussion via bumpersticker, December 2014
My major concern about the platform has always been how it discourages rational, nuanced discussions of important issues. To me, it seems as though we are trying to persuade others by shouting bumper sticker slogans back and forth.
Granted, I am not Twitter’s most avid user. I follow a whole 15 people, of whom only three or four post - and then seldomly. 6300 people follow me (who knew there were so many bored people in the world), mostly for the silly t-shirt sayings I sometimes share. I primarily use the platform to let readers know that I have written a new blog post by sending a link to it. I have a couple relatives who kindly “like” those tweets and a few others who retweet the t-shirt slogans.
There will be few tears shed when I delete my account.
Elon Musk's purchase and seemingly erratic control over the platform is the primary motivation for abandoning ship. It looks that by calling himself a “free speech” advocate, he will do little to control the spread of disinformation, racism, calls for violence, hate speech, and the radicalization of politics. While I too believe in free speech (my library school professors beat this into me), I also know free speech must be accompanied by responsibility and understanding of the harm speech may cause to others. If Elon’s revenue is based on the number of users on Twitter, my absence will make but a microscopic difference to this billionaire. But it is what I can do.
So after today, this old fart’s total social media presence is a Facebook account with both personal and Blue Skunk blog pages, a Feedly account tracking 31 blog feeds, a LinkedIn account browsed every week or so, and a Goodreads account. No Instagram. No Tik Tok. And of course no programs I am too out of the loop to even know about.
Been nice Tweeting to you.